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Shrimp - the best beer snack

Shrimp - the best beer snack
Shrimp - the best beer snack

Video: Shrimp Cups 2024, July

Video: Shrimp Cups 2024, July

Shrimp meat contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, zinc, sulfur, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The benefits of this delicacy are high in protein, but low in fat and lack of carbohydrates. Shrimp is recommended to be included in the diet for those who are on a diet. You can even eat them in fasting. Many beer lovers consider shrimp the best snack for a foamy drink.


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Immediately after fishing, ordinary shrimps are poured directly onto the vessel into huge boilers with boiling water, boiled for several minutes and then frozen. In stores you can find shrimp in packages and by weight. The numbers on the bag indicate the size (caliber) of the shrimp. If you saw 90/120, then in front of you are the smallest shrimp, which are from 90 to 120 pieces per kilogram. King and tiger prawns, which are brought to stores in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR, are most often grown on special farms. Regardless of the size and origin of the shrimp, you need to remember that they cook very quickly. Prolonged heat treatment literally kills all the nutrients, and the meat makes it tasteless and tough.

There are dozens of ways to make shrimp for beer. For example, they can be fried. Defrost purchased shrimp. Heat the pan, pour a small amount of shrimp onto it, salt and wait 2-3 minutes. The salt will make the shrimp give away the last water to be drained. Then pour the shrimp in a pan with olive or sunflower oil, sprinkle with dill and black pepper. Fry for 3-5 minutes until the shrimp is browned. Before serving, pour the prepared fried shrimp with the juice of half a lemon.

Shrimps are very tasty if you fry them with garlic. Pour vegetable oil onto a hot frying pan, pour 300-400 grams of shrimp in shell. Salt and pepper. Fry the shrimp for 1-2 minutes. Stir the shrimp and add 2-3 cloves of chopped garlic and dried or fresh dill to them. Fry for another 3-4 minutes.

Before serving, fried shrimp is better to lay out on a dry paper towel for a couple of minutes to absorb excess oil.

Beer shrimps can be put out in the beer itself. Pour the shrimp into the pan, salt them, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, cloves, dill and parsley. Pour it all with 1 glass of any beer and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat and simmer the shrimp for 2-3 minutes.

Shrimps stewed with pepper are very piquant and spicy. Pour the right amount of shrimp into the pan, add a third of a packet of butter. Salt, add bay leaf, dried cloves, dill. You can throw in a pan finely chopped lemon with peel (its amount depends on the mass of shrimp). The main spice in this cooking method is pepper. In addition to regular black pepper, add a little hot chili or regular red pepper to the shrimp. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. The combination of pepper and butter will make the shrimp meat tender and spicy at the same time.

Did you know that if you unfreeze 1 kilogram of regular shrimp (caliber 70/90), you get about 450 grams. If you separate the heads and remove the shell, only 110-140 grams of meat will remain.

Delicious shrimp in the microwave. This method is good for those to whom guests came unexpectedly, but there is no time to stand at the stove. Throw the frozen shrimps into a colander, rinse under warm water until all the ice has melted, let the water drain. Put the shrimp in a glass dish, salt, pepper, add greens and a little butter. Cover and place in the microwave. Set the timer for 10 minutes. While the shrimp is cooked, you will have time to get the glasses, pour beer and invite friends to the table.

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