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Strawberry Jelly with Lime

Strawberry Jelly with Lime
Strawberry Jelly with Lime

Video: Strawberry Jelly Recipe | Strawberry Jelly Dessert | How To Make Strawberry Jelly | DipasKitchen 2024, July

Video: Strawberry Jelly Recipe | Strawberry Jelly Dessert | How To Make Strawberry Jelly | DipasKitchen 2024, July

I love that my dishes had not only a bright taste, but also a color. It seems to me that a dull, monotonous table has not pleased anyone yet. I'd rather work on the beds under the scorching sun and stand by the hot stove, but then the reward for me will be a beautiful, bright dish and grateful eaters!


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You will need

  • 1 liter juice needed:

  • - 700 g of sugar,

  • - 10 g of gelatin,

  • - 2 limes.

Instruction manual


The berries must be thoroughly washed, placed in a saucepan and pour 2 cups of water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then drain the liquid, and knead the berries and squeeze through cheesecloth. Put the squeezed juice on the fire, add very thinly sliced ​​circles of lime (with peel) and boil 2 times.


Put sugar in parts in juice. Then add pre-swollen gelatin and bring the juice to a boil.

Check for readiness - a drop should not spread on a plate - and pour jelly on prepared jars.


Then the jelly must be pasteurized - for half-liter jars 10 minutes are enough.

The first mention of strawberries is found in written sources in ancient Greece. Initially, it was used as a medicine. This applies to wild strawberries. The berry was cultivated in Spain, and only after the 15th century it spread throughout Europe.

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