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Calorie foods

Calorie foods
Calorie foods

Video: Comparison: Highest Calorie Foods 2024, July

Video: Comparison: Highest Calorie Foods 2024, July

Calorie is a unit of energy that is released during the breakdown of foods. The number of calories is determined by the nutritional value and chemical composition of the product.


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The proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed by us are expressed in calories. It is easy to calculate their number - proteins and carbohydrates contain 4 calories, fats 9 calories. About 1, 500 kilocalories for women and about 2, 000 kilocalories for men are considered the daily intake, but may vary depending on the metabolism and physical activity of a person.

Calories not consumed in the process of energy consumption will be deposited by the body in the form of subcutaneous fat. Foods with a high water content contain fewer calories and to a lesser extent provoke obesity - these are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Sausages, pork, butter and vegetable, cream cakes, chocolate, dairy products with high fat content, jam, sugar, honey have a very high calorie content (from 300 to 900 calories per 100 g).

Moderate average calorie content (from 100 to 300 kilocalories per 100 g) is possessed by lean meats, fish, poultry and other protein products. Low-calorie (from 20 to 100 kilocalories per 100 g) are considered vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, low-fat dairy products.

Always pay attention to the label, there is information on the nutritional value of the product. Catering enterprises also indicate the nutritional value of the dishes on the last page of the menu.

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