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What are the benefits of chokeberry

What are the benefits of chokeberry
What are the benefits of chokeberry

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Video: What you need to know about aronia berries 2024, July

Video: What you need to know about aronia berries 2024, July

Another name for chokeberry is chokeberry. This is a very useful berry, which is used in cooking and traditional medicine. Despite the saturation with vitamins and minerals, chokeberry has strict contraindications.


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About the pros

Each aronia berry is full of many substances necessary for the normal functioning of a healthy human body. Chokeberry is rich in organic acids, fructose, glucose, vitamins P, E, K, C, B1, B2 and B6. It also has a lot of beta-carotene and a whole set of trace elements, including fluorine, boron, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, etc. Moreover, iodine in berries contains more than in raspberries or strawberries.

Thanks to this composition, the use of chokeberry helps to combat the manifestations of allergic reactions, various diseases of the thyroid gland, and the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps to cope with problems in the work of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder. Aronia has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

For those who suffer from low acidity of the stomach, several berries should be eaten immediately before meals to improve digestion. Due to this, the unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen will also disappear, the absorption of nutrients will increase, and the bad breath will disappear if the reason for it was a malfunction in the stomach.

Chokeberry is considered an effective tool to prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease, varicose veins. It also helps fight the weakened circulation of the cerebral arteries. The use of chokeberry fruits reduces the risk of small blood vessel thrombosis.

In addition, this berry significantly enhances the body's immune defense. Therefore, black chokeberry jam is so popular, helping to resist colds in winter and autumn. No less useful infusions and compotes.

Aronia also removes heavy metals from the body, has choleretic properties and improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels - they become elastic and resilient.

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