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What spices strengthen the immune system

What spices strengthen the immune system
What spices strengthen the immune system

Table of contents:

Video: 7 Herbs, Spices, and Fruits That Boost Immune System 2024, July

Video: 7 Herbs, Spices, and Fruits That Boost Immune System 2024, July

Almost every housewife has her own cherished shelf in the kitchen cabinet, which stores her favorite spices and seasonings. They are used in cooking, and dishes are filled with a unique aroma and exquisite taste.


Pick your recipe

Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of spices and seasonings, but there are special spices that must be in every home:


The people call this spice oregano, it is used mainly in the preparation of Italian dishes. In addition to the unique taste and aroma, oregano has a mass of healing properties:

- improves the functioning of the digestive system;

- strengthens the immune system, providing antibacterial and antimicrobial effects;

- beneficial effect on the central nervous system;

- with bronchitis it is used as a powerful expectorant.

Where do oregano add?

Oregano can be added practically to any dish: vegetable soups and salads, sauces, lean main dishes, scrambled eggs and so on.



Most often, this seasoning is found in Italian and Provencal cuisine. Helps to deal with many ailments, has a general strengthening effect, improves memory, an excellent antispasmodic. In addition to this, rosemary:

- improves memory and increases concentration;

- relieves headaches, helps eliminate depression, improves the quality and duration of sleep;

- with regular use, helps to restore an irregular menstrual cycle;

- relieves symptoms in colds and sore throats;

- promotes wound healing, eliminates skin rashes.

What foods do rosemary add to?

Basically, seasoning is used in the preparation of fish dishes, various marinades, as well as for brewing medicinal herbal tea.

To whom is rosemary contraindicated?

Rosemary is strictly forbidden during pregnancy, to small children, people suffering from epilepsy, as well as those who are allergic to this plant.



In common folk thyme. Some villages and villages still collect this fragrant herb for making medicinal tea, it is also added to the medicine with the name "Pertussin", familiar to each of us from childhood. Of the useful properties of thyme are the following:

- improves the body's immune defense;

- struggles with prostatitis and sexual weakness;

- Increases endurance and performance.

What foods can I add thyme to?

This weed is added to soups and salads, various sauces, stewed vegetables, egg dishes.



The benefits of turmeric for the body are difficult to overestimate. It has long been proven that turmeric, which is part of the spice, is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the following useful properties of spice can be noted:

- helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;

- stimulates the immune system;

- improves skin condition due to the presence of antioxidants;

- helps with various poisonings;

- relieves any inflammation;

- improves digestion.

Where is turmeric added?

Spice goes well with rice (especially when cooking pilaf), vegetables, is not interchangeable in the preparation of first courses.


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