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What spices and seasonings are used in Korean cuisine

What spices and seasonings are used in Korean cuisine
What spices and seasonings are used in Korean cuisine

Video: 5 Essential Korean Ingredients l KOREAN FOOD BASIC l KOREAN COOKING 2024, July

Video: 5 Essential Korean Ingredients l KOREAN FOOD BASIC l KOREAN COOKING 2024, July

Korean cuisine is associated with very spicy and hot foods. Seasonings created in this country have become popular in Russia. For example, they are added to carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, zucchini, etc.


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The most common spice in Korean cuisine is red hot pepper. Its scope is very wide - salads from fresh vegetables, sauces, fish, meat, marinades and other dishes. Black pepper is no less popular, and Koreans add it to any food.

For hot dishes and salads use kochi dirim. This pepper oil can be prepared independently: heat red pepper in vegetable oil.

Not without garlic. It is often added to red and black pepper. To make the dish spicy and spicy, fresh ginger is also used. The root of this plant is ground on a grater and sprinkled with a finished dish: broth, sauce, etc. Koreans prepare ginger infusion. To do this, the root of the plant is passed through a meat grinder, put in a pan with cold water and left for 2 hours, and then filtered.

It is impossible to imagine Korean cuisine without sesame oil. To make the dish even tastier, you need only a few drops. Sesame seed oil is seasoned with sauces, salads, hot dishes and broths.

In order to diversify the tastes and aromas of food, other seasonings and spices are used in Korea: star anise, vanilla, mustard, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, citric acid, allspice and white pepper, soy sauce.

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