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What foods are useful to combine in cooking

What foods are useful to combine in cooking
What foods are useful to combine in cooking

Video: Talk About Food and Cooking in English - Spoken English Lesson 2024, June

Video: Talk About Food and Cooking in English - Spoken English Lesson 2024, June

Do you know that doctors advise eating not only healthy products, but also combining these products in order to increase the benefits from them? Which products are best combined?


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If you often catch a cold, look pale, your skin is dry, and your hair is dull and brittle, then your body may lack iron. Women are iron deficient during menstruation. The combination of liver and cabbage in food is a good prevention of iron deficiency anemia. 300 grams of liver, along with any amount of cabbage will replenish your body with 15 grams of iron - this is a full daily dose.


To prevent cancer, it is worth combining citrus fruits with green tea. Indeed, in this tea there are catechins polyphenols, which contribute to the suppression of malignant cells. But green tea is only 20 percent of these nutrients, and in combination with citrus juice - already all 80%. By the way, if you add a spoonful of sugar, then the beneficial substances will be better absorbed by the body.


Even children know that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. So, this same vitamin helps the body in the fight against viruses and infections, but without zinc it is not absorbed, so there is almost no sense in it. Zinc is found in large quantities in chicken meat; therefore, in combination, carrots and chicken will give the body great benefit.


The combination of broccoli and eggs is great for relieving PMS syndrome. Broccoli in tandem with eggs, due to the calcium and vitamin D they contain, can reduce PMS by 40 percent. In addition, broccoli omelet is delicious.


Ordinary fried eggs in vegetable oil is an excellent source of vitamin E, which is necessary for skin tone and beauty. But keep in mind that you should not cook eggs for more than two minutes, since high temperatures are harmful to healthy substances.


Combining avocado and spinach in food is good for vision. Indeed, in spinach there are vitamin A and lutein that are useful for the eyes, and in the avocado there are many times more of the same substances. In addition, avocados contain healthy fats for the body, which contribute to the absorption and dissolution of both vitamin A and lutein. You can make avocado and spinach salad with citrus dressing.

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