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What foods should be used for colds or flu

What foods should be used for colds or flu
What foods should be used for colds or flu

Video: Soothing Cold & Flu Recipes 2024, June

Video: Soothing Cold & Flu Recipes 2024, June

In the cold season, a cold or flu is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon. Temperature, stuffy nose, aching bones, nausea - an incomplete list of symptoms that accompany the disease.


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In addition to the traditional drug treatment, certain foods must be present in the diet of a sick person, they will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Most often, the disease is accompanied by a complete lack of appetite, but food cannot be completely ruled out, because during the illness the body especially needs nutrients. Eating any unsweetened dish, you need to flavor it with garlic, because it is a natural antibiotic, therefore, it will help in recovery along with pills.

With nausea, ginger will be a real salvation. It can be added to food or make tea with it. In addition, the ginger root boosts the immune system and has a warming effect. Just do not forget that at temperatures above 38 degrees it is impossible to use ginger.

Chicken broth is another remedy that will relieve symptoms and help in recovery, most importantly, when cooking, remove skin from the chicken so that the broth does not turn out to be too oily. Chicken soup meat is also not recommended to be neglected, because protein activates the immune system.

Fresh berries, especially those with a high content of vitamin C, should be consumed not only during illness, but also for prevention. They can be eaten in pure form, added to cereals, make fruit drinks, etc.

With vomiting and nausea, toast from whole grain bread will help calm the stomach. In addition, whole grain bread provides energy for a long time and does not strain the stomach.

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