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What foods are rich in phosphorus?

What foods are rich in phosphorus?
What foods are rich in phosphorus?

Video: Phosphorus and Kidney Disease Diet: High Phosphorus Foods and Renal Diet Tips 2024, July

Video: Phosphorus and Kidney Disease Diet: High Phosphorus Foods and Renal Diet Tips 2024, July

Phosphorus is a chemical element necessary for humans, which is involved in many vital processes in the body. Without it, normal cell growth and the formation of healthy bones and teeth are impossible. That is why it is extremely important to replenish the balance of phosphorus in the body in time. And familiar foods will help to do this.


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Most phosphorus is found in processed cheese. Only 100 g of this product will provide the body with 600 mg of phosphorus, which is approximately half the human daily requirement. Other dairy products, especially feta cheese, whole and condensed milk, fat cottage cheese and butter, are also rich in this element.


Phosphorus is also present in fish: flounder, tuna, horse mackerel, mackerel, sturgeon, sardine, capelin, smelt, pollock and others. This substance is contained in shrimp, squid and crab meat. These products are also rich in other trace elements, vitamins and essential acids, so they should be added to the diet at least a couple of times a week. In addition, the phosphorus contained in them is absorbed by the body best.


A lot of phosphorus is also found in legumes: peas, beans, beans, lentils, and soy. However, the element contained in them is rather poorly absorbed by the body, so all of the listed products should be pre-soaked in water before cooking. Thanks to this, by the way, they prepare much faster.


Phosphorus can also be obtained from red and white meat, liver, mushrooms or eggs. This element is also found in vegetables, for example, cauliflower, radish, celery, spinach, cucumbers. That is why the daily need for phosphorus, which is from 1200 to 1800 mg, can easily be satisfied if you eat fully.


In addition, phosphorus is in bran, sprouted wheat or oatmeal. Such foods are especially useful for breakfast, because the phosphorus contained in them helps the body get the energy it needs from food. It is useful to add a handful of different nuts to the oatmeal or granola from time to time, which also contains phosphorus.


A small amount of this substance is found in durum wheat pasta. It is also sometimes useful to introduce it into the diet. And phosphorus is found in garlic, corn and dried fruits.


When forming a diet, one should take into account the fact that phosphorus from animal products is absorbed by 95%, and from plant products - a maximum of 60%. Therefore, supporters of a vegetarian diet should introduce more legumes, phosphorus-rich vegetables, grains, and nuts into the diet. Otherwise, there may be a deficiency of this element in the body, which is dangerous by demineralization of bone tissue, the occurrence of rickets, periodontal disease, and a decrease in mental and physical activity.

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