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What you need to know the subtleties for choosing a pan

What you need to know the subtleties for choosing a pan
What you need to know the subtleties for choosing a pan

Video: Essential Kitchen Tools | Basics with Babish 2024, June

Video: Essential Kitchen Tools | Basics with Babish 2024, June

Good kitchen equipment is half the success for any housewife. Moreover, this applies even to an ordinary frying pan: without it, it is impossible to cook many dishes.


Pick your recipe

To make the right choice, it does not hurt to know some subtleties.

  • Many professionals favor the good old cast-iron pan. Advantages of cast iron - the ability to retain heat for a long time. In addition, you can cook in a pan without stirring constantly. However, cast iron also has a drawback - it tends to rust and needs good care.

  • Nickel-chromium stainless steel, which is also loved by professionals, is not as porous as cast iron and iron, therefore, its surface will not change shape after a long time, and it will last longer. There are products with a mirror external surface, and there are products with a matte finish. It is believed that the first is more hygienic, but the second is more stable against mechanical damage.

  • The advantages of non-stick products are obvious - nothing burns, and you can cook almost without adding fat, which is especially pleasing to adherents of a healthy lifestyle. However, a delicate non-stick coating is afraid of metal blades and knives. Just scratch the material a little - and the food will burn. Therefore, it is worth using wooden and plastic accessories. Some brands of non-stick coating are scratch resistant, but such dishes are much more expensive.

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