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How to quickly and tasty cook beef

How to quickly and tasty cook beef
How to quickly and tasty cook beef

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Beef can be used to prepare both complex holiday and quite everyday dishes. To make the meat juicy and tender, and its preparation took as little time as possible, stew it in a saucepan with various additives or make juicy meatballs. It remains only to prepare a suitable side dish - and the main course for lunch or dinner is ready.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Beef in beer:
    • 900 g of beef;
    • 600 ml of dark beer;
    • juice and zest of one orange;
    • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • 30 g butter;
    • 2 tablespoons of flour;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt;
    • 0.5 teaspoon nutmeg;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 large onions;
    • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar;
    • ground black pepper;
    • Bay leaf.
    • Homemade Hamburgers:
    • 900 g lean beef;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • salt
    • pepper.

Instruction manual


Beef in beer has a very unusual and delicate taste. Cut the loin portion into small cubes and roll them in a mixture of salt, pepper, flour and ground nutmeg. Mix half the butter and vegetable oil in a saucepan, fry half the meat cubes until a brown crust forms. Put them on a plate, pour the remaining oil into a stewpan and fry the second portion of beef.


In the remaining oil for about 5 minutes, passer onion chopped rings and finely chopped garlic. Add brown sugar and keep the mixture on the fire for another minute, until sugar turns into caramel.


Put the meat in a stewpan, fill it with beer, add orange juice, bay leaf and half the zest. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer the beef until cooked. When the meat becomes soft, salt it, add ground pepper and nutmeg, sprinkle with the remaining zest. Serve beef in beer with baked or boiled potatoes and green salad.


You can also quickly cook the crown dish of fast food - a hamburger. A homemade sandwich with a beef cutlet is much tastier and healthier than your restaurant counterpart. Double pass through a meat grinder meat trimmers - pieces of loin, rump or lower part of the shoulder blade. Blind four thick round patties.


In a pan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil. Put the burgers out and fry them for three minutes on each side. Do not click on cutlets, otherwise delicious juice will flow out of them and the meat will be dry. Turn the hamburgers over and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. If you like well-done meat, leave it in the pan for a few more minutes.


Cut a round bun with sesame seeds in half. Inside, place a leaf of green salad and a patty. Serve hamburgers with ketchup, sweet mustard, vegetables and french fries.

how to cook delicious and fast beef

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