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How to make a banquet menu

How to make a banquet menu
How to make a banquet menu

Video: CHAPTER 14: BANQUET MENU 2024, July

Video: CHAPTER 14: BANQUET MENU 2024, July

Organization of a banquet is a very responsible matter. It is necessary to take into account the tastes of the guests, the possibilities of the hosts, the occasion on which the celebration is organized. In order to serve a plentiful table, but not to purchase extra products, you need to pre-compile the menu of the future banquet.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Rate the composition of the invitees. The concept of the future table may depend on this. Older guests will surely prefer classic dishes, and they will be wary of exotics. Youth, on the contrary, will like fashion news. If there are children among the guests, please note that they simply do not eat many dishes. Perhaps they should organize a separate table.


When composing the menu, remember that for one guest, on average, 150 g of cold appetizers is enough, no more than 100 g of hot snacks, 50 g of meat and fish slices, 250 g of hot (including side dish), 150 g of dessert. Calculate the amount of bread - no more than 3 slices per person.


Do not forget about drinks. For a banquet you will need fruit juices or fruit drinks, mineral water (preferably two types - with gas and without). For each person you need no more than 500 ml of soft drinks. As for alcohol, put in the estimate of 300-500 ml of strong drinks for each man and the same amount of wine - for a woman. For the celebration, you will need champagne at the rate of 1 bottle for 4 people.


Proceed to the selection of dishes for the festive menu. Keep in mind that most people, choosing between fish and meat, stop at the latter. Therefore, at least one of the main dishes should be meat. A more expensive option is barbecue and steaks, a more budgetary option is minced meat products in sauce.


When choosing a type of meat, stop at pork or beef. Note that not everyone likes lamb. If you want to save, prefer a bird. An interestingly cooked chicken or turkey filet looks quite decent on the banquet table.


Having decided on the main course, pick up snacks. The usual component of a banquet table is cold cuts, meat and fish. Salads are best served not in vases, but in tartlets - with them the table looks more elegant. Mandatory banquet detail - canapes with caviar, flounces and pies with various fillings.


Hot snacks, such as julienne, are also very impressive. They are served between cold dishes and the main course.


Do not forget about special banquet positions - jellied in forms, whole baked fish (sturgeon, pike perch, pike), as well as milk pigs. Such dishes in a traditional serving - with rich topping, decorated with paper sockets - very decorate the festive table.


Add decorativeness and fruit. They are served on the banquet table in their entirety, after being thoroughly washed, rubbed to a shine and laid in vases. Only lemons are served chopped.


As a dessert, portioned cakes and pastries (sliced ​​before serving) are suitable. In the warmer months, you can serve ice cream in special bowls. Do not forget about tea and coffee. For banquets, they can be served on a separate tea table.

Useful advice

When planning the menu, consider the season. For the summer celebration will have to increase the number of soft drinks and fruits, and the number of meat dishes, on the contrary, to reduce. In winter, you can reduce the number of bottles of mineral ox and juices, but add a few extra liters of alcohol

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