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What cereals are considered the most healthy

What cereals are considered the most healthy
What cereals are considered the most healthy

Video: HUGE Cereal Haul - What Cereals To Buy & Avoid At the Grocery Store! 2024, June

Video: HUGE Cereal Haul - What Cereals To Buy & Avoid At the Grocery Store! 2024, June

There are few people who start their day with porridge, because a sandwich with butter and sausage is much more familiar. However, in order for the digestive system to work correctly, the supply of vitamins and minerals was replenished, and health was excellent, cereals should be present in the diet, because not without reason, this is the first thing that is introduced into the baby's food in addition to breast milk or a mixture.


Pick your recipe

Each porridge is useful in its own way, and which one to use, each one decides for himself.

Buckwheat porridge

An integral dish for children's, dietary and therapeutic nutrition. It goes well with meat, fish, vegetables or dairy products. Buckwheat, thanks to the abundance of fiber, is digested for a long time, gives us strength and energy, quickly neutralizes the feeling of hunger. Regular consumption of buckwheat porridge will help to cope with a number of problems:

- low hemoglobin;

- problems with excess weight;

- excess blood sugar;

- exfoliating nails, as well as problems with skin and hair;

- irregular stools;

- immune disorders;

- various nervous diseases and so on.

Buckwheat porridge also has a positive effect on the body due to its high content of copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and PP.

Rice porrige

There are many types of rice cereal, the most useful of them is unpeeled rice, since it is he who comes the least processed, preserving vitamins and minerals.

The advantages of rice porridge are as follows:

- an excellent source of energy;

- contributes to the improvement of mental activity;

- perfectly fixes the chair for digestive problems;

- due to the high potassium content, it favorably affects the cardiovascular system;

- helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

For dietary nutrition, it is better to choose unrefined, wild or brown rice; it contains the most fiber.


Everyone has heard about the benefits of oatmeal. It is this porridge that is recommended to be used for breakfast in order to get a boost of vitality, a set of vitamins and minerals, as well as start the digestive system.

Regular use of oatmeal favorably affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair, increases blood coagulation, relieves muscle pain during physical work, stimulates the thyroid gland. The value of oatmeal is also in the content of a fairly large amount of potassium and magnesium, which positively affects the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

However, such a useful porridge has contraindications:

- contains gluten, which can cause an allergic reaction;

- very frequent use provokes leaching of calcium from the body;

Millet porridge

Few people consume this dish, however, for dieters it is indispensable, boiled millet is able to remove fat from the body, improve the functioning of the liver and digestive organs. Millet contains a lot of vitamin B1, which is involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Copper and a huge amount of vitamin C contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Millet porridge is contraindicated for people with hypertension due to an increase in blood viscosity.

Barley porridge

Despite the rather high calorie content, pearl barley is considered a dietary product, perfectly satisfies hunger, creates a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Due to its rich vitamin composition, barley is indispensable in the autumn-spring period, in order to avoid vitamin deficiency. What is the use of pearl barley porridge:

- increases hemoglobin due to the large amount of iron contained in the cereal;

- improves digestion, due to the presence of a huge amount of dietary fiber;

- Stimulates the immune system, helps fight viruses with infections, etc.

The only drawback of barley is that it needs a long heat treatment, but it is not so difficult to fix, it is enough to soak the cereal in cold water overnight.

Each porridge is good for the body, each must decide for itself: which one to choose, most importantly, that cereal dishes are periodically present in the diet.

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