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What are common misconceptions about the dangers of fat

What are common misconceptions about the dangers of fat
What are common misconceptions about the dangers of fat

Video: 5 Myths About Fat 2024, July

Video: 5 Myths About Fat 2024, July

How you want to eat a plate of hot soup with soft bread and a slice of spicy aromatic bacon on cold winter days. But many deny themselves such pleasure, believing that the use of fat will negatively affect the figure and work of the cardiovascular system.


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Fat, of course, is a very high-calorie product - up to 800 kcal per 100 g. It is possible to recover from it, but eating large amounts of fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, there are situations when lard is simply an indispensable product: it is regular physical activity, hard work, long trips, hiking, etc.

A small piece of fat, eaten on an empty stomach, provokes the production of bile, stimulates the digestive tract, and reduces the likelihood of constipation. Subcutaneous fat contains vitamins A, D, E and many unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body. There is lecithin in fat, which cleanses the blood of cholesterol plaques, the effect will be more noticeable if there is fat with garlic.

There is unsaturated arachidonic acid in pork fat, which helps strengthen blood vessels and the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It affects fat and mental ability. Before an exam, a difficult report, or with excessive exertion, a piece of fat will not hurt either. In addition to all of the above, lard has a beneficial effect on the liver, contributing to its purification from heavy metals. Fat is also indispensable for feasts with a large amount of alcohol. A piece of bacon eaten for a snack reduces the absorption of alcohol, slowing the rate of intoxication.

In order for the lard to bring only benefits, do not forget: you need to eat only salted or pickled lard (excluding smoked, fried, etc.) and eat daily no more than 30 g.

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