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How to fry meat with brandy

How to fry meat with brandy
How to fry meat with brandy

Video: How to cook a Brandy Infused Steak, pan sauce - Frankie Cooks 2024, July

Video: How to cook a Brandy Infused Steak, pan sauce - Frankie Cooks 2024, July

The meat fried in cognac is very aromatic and tasty. The tartness that a strong alcoholic drink gives to the dish goes well with sour cream sauce and a vegetable side dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 600 grams of meat;

  • - 6 tablespoons of brandy;

  • - 2 tablespoons of seasoning for meat;

  • - 1 fragrant apple;

  • - 2 tablespoons of raisins;

  • - 60 milliliters of dry white wine;

  • - 200 milliliters of sour cream;

  • - 1 teaspoon of starch;

  • - 1 white onion;

  • - 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard;

  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

  • - 4 tablespoons of butter;

  • - salt.

Instruction manual


Take and wash the meat under running water. Cut it into four identical pieces, each 150 grams. Fight or chop meat pieces well.


Roll each meat piece in spices and spices; spices for barbecue are perfect. If you don’t have a ready-made set of spices, mix black and red pepper, curry, paprika, herbs and garlic together. Pour the cognac over the meat and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, covering the dish with a lid.


While the meat is marinated in cognac, wash and peel the apples, chop them and mix in a small bowl with raisins. Pour the mixture with white dry wine and leave to infuse for fifteen minutes.


After two hours, remove the meat marinated in cognac from the refrigerator. Prepare the pan by pre-lubricating it with vegetable and butter. Fry each piece of chop meat on both sides in a well-heated pan.


Peel the white onions and chop finely. Fry it in the oil in which the meat was fried for five minutes. Add to the onion a mixture of apples and raisins, poured with white dry wine, Dijon mustard, then stew the ingredients until the onion is soft and golden.


Take thick sour cream, mix it with starch and add this mixture to onions, apples and raisins, salt and mix well. When the mixture begins to boil, remove the resulting sauce from the heat.


Serve the cooked meat in cognac with sour cream sauce from fried onions, apples, raisins, spices and dry white wine. Before serving, decorate the plate by slicing fresh vegetables and herbs. Chop meat looks beautiful if put it on lettuce leaves.


The meat in the cognac turns out to be much more flavorful if it is not fried in a pan, but grilled.

For this dish, beef or pork will be the most suitable meat, chicken does not go well with cognac.

Try to fry the meat to al dente, otherwise it will become dry, and the spice that cognac gives to the dish will be less fragrant.

To prepare the sauce, take light raisins, as you will soak it in white wine. Apples are better to take seasonal or green varieties.

Useful advice

An excellent side dish for chopped meat fried in cognac will be baked potatoes. By the way, you can bake it with the same seasoning for barbecue, then your dish and side dish will be perfectly combined with each other.

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