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How to brew chaga mushroom

How to brew chaga mushroom
How to brew chaga mushroom

Video: How To Make Chaga Mushroom Tea Two Ways - Medicinal Mushroom Tea 2024, July

Video: How To Make Chaga Mushroom Tea Two Ways - Medicinal Mushroom Tea 2024, July

Chaga strengthens the immune system, inhibits the growth of certain tumors, and improves the general condition of the patient. This fungus is used as an anti-inflammatory and restorative agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various tumors. You can drink the infusion of chaga and healthy people, as a preventive restorative.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Do not boil chaga and do not boil boiling water. Mushroom processing should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

Rinse the medicinal raw materials, then pour boiled water so that it covers the mushroom. Leave to swell for 4-5 hours. Drain the water into a separate container.


Grate or grind the mushroom in a meat grinder. On one part of the chaga, add five parts of warm water (50 ° C), which remained from soaking. Insist for two days, then drain the water and squeeze the precipitate through a thick cloth. Add boiled water to the resulting liquid and bring the infusion to its original volume. The resulting medicine can be stored for 3-4 days.


Use the Siberian infusion recipe. Take a piece of chaga the size of a walnut, put it in a kettle, pour warm water (not more than 50ºС). Drink like regular tea, without a special dosage, with sugar or honey.


Take Befungin if you cannot find the mushroom itself directly. This medicine is a condensed chaga extract that must be diluted with water before ingestion.


Make an infusion of chaga on melt water instead of the usual one, as some folk healers advise. Such an infusion will have even more healing properties than ordinary.


Take an infusion of chaga for peptic ulcer and gastritis, one glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Do enemas for tumors of the pelvis 50-100 ml of infusion.

Use infusion of chaga of double strength for diseases with fluid retention in the body (200 g per 500 ml of water), the dosage is half as much (100 ml 3 times a day).

Drink chaga for tumors in fractional portions, at least three glasses a day.


Follow a milk and vegetable diet while taking chaga preparations, limit meat, spicy dishes, as well as animal fats in your diet.

Chaga how to brew

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