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How to bake fish in the microwave

How to bake fish in the microwave
How to bake fish in the microwave

Video: Whole baked fish in Microwave Oven Using LG Microwave Oven 2024, July

Video: Whole baked fish in Microwave Oven Using LG Microwave Oven 2024, July

You can bake fish in the microwave in just a few minutes. At the same time, it turns out juicy and satisfying. Even with a simple side dish, such a dish can be served at the festive table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 kg of fish;
    • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of flour;
    • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • half a lemon;
    • 2 eggs;
    • salt
    • parsley
    • ground black pepper
    • spices for fish to taste.

Instruction manual


Clean, rinse and dry the fish, such as mackerel, blue whiting, tuna or red fish. Optionally, filet can be separated. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl, add vegetable oil (preferably olive), half a glass of warm water, break the eggs. Stir the dough with a spoon and refrigerate for half an hour.


Cut the chopped fish into 5-7 cm slices. Lightly salt on both sides. Sprinkle with black pepper, spices and chopped parsley. Drizzle with lemon juice. Dip each piece of fish fillet in the dough. Place the fish in a shallow plate so that the pieces do not touch each other. Top with a little odorless vegetable oil.


Cover the dishes with a small thin plate, leaving small gaps at the edges, so as not to stain the walls of the chamber of the microwave oven. Place the prepared fish in the microwave for 4 minutes at maximum power. After the time has passed, remove the dishes from the oven and remove the top plate-lid. Using a fork, turn each piece onto the other side. Spoon the fish with the allocated juice. Cover again with the same plate and put in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.


Check the readiness of the fish - the flesh should be white or pink for red fish. If it seems to you that the pieces have not been baked, then set to heat for another minute. But do not overdo the fish in the oven, it can become dry. To avoid this, put a glass of water in the microwave with a plate. Do not put a lot of fish pieces at a time for baking, otherwise they will be baked unevenly and will be raw in places. The dish is cooked very quickly, so it is better to divide the prepared fish by 2-3 times.


Separately, fry or boil the potatoes and put in the dishes where the fish was baked. It is saturated with aromatic fish juice. Instead of potatoes, you can cook boiled rice or pasta for a side dish.

red fish in the microwave

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