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How to bake potatoes in a peel

How to bake potatoes in a peel
How to bake potatoes in a peel

Video: Super Quick Potato Peeling! - Life Hack 2024, July

Video: Super Quick Potato Peeling! - Life Hack 2024, July

The ideal dish is baked potatoes. Tasty and reminiscent of potatoes baked in ash. Healthy and dietary. It is quite budget and easy to prepare. Preserving a mass of nutrients and combined with a variety of sauces and products. If you bake potatoes in a peel, you don’t even have to peel it! But even this simple dish can be prepared in different ways.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Fresh potato
    • table salt
    • vegetable (olive) oil.

Instruction manual


First of all, select the same size potatoes. For baking, smooth tubers are suitable, without defects: cracks, wireworm strokes, green spots and various bruises. Turn on the oven. It should have time to warm up to 200 degrees C. Thoroughly wash the root crops. Rub particularly dirty places with a hard sponge or soft brush, without violating the integrity of the peel. Dry, wipe with a paper towel.


Gently lay the potatoes on a wire rack or baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. In about 30-40 minutes the baked potato will be ready. Its readiness is easiest to check this way: pierce the tuber with a fork or a sharp knife. The surface of the potato should be hard, but the baked potato gut should be soft.


Another way is different in the process in the oven. Cover the root pan with a metal pan, and the same potato will bake a little faster and turn out to be less dry. Or wrap each potato in foil. The result will be similar. Serve baked potatoes immediately to the table. Let the eaters decide for themselves whether to clean it or not.


The next option: bake potatoes "in their skins" on a layer of coarse salt. Thanks to the additional heat of salt grains, the speed of tuber preparation increases. In addition, salt dries the peel, and it is beautifully browned.


In addition, use the original crisp technology. Lubricate the dried washed potatoes on all sides with a small amount of vegetable (tastier than olive) oil. Then rub the root vegetables with salt, preferably coarse, you can sea and send them to bake, as described above.


Another secret: make a cross-shaped incision on each tuber 10-15 minutes before readiness. Hot, don't get burned! Put inside any filling (a slice of butter, sour cream with garlic, salt and herbs, tomato sauce, grated cheese) and put to bake.


Other variations are far from simple. For example, coat the prepared potatoes in a peel with a mixture of butter, dill and garlic on all sides. Wrap in foil and bake. Or cut the tubers across, not to the end, to push the potatoes apart like an accordion. Put slices of mushrooms, dill, butter into the cuts. Bake by wrapping in foil or in a closed form. After half an hour, open the form and bring the potatoes to roast and cook.

Useful advice

If the potatoes are not very large in diameter, they are baked whole. And huge root crops can be cut in half and baked in the same way, by spreading them upside down on a baking sheet.

Potatoes before baking can be pierced with a fork in several places. However, this does not affect the result.

Serve baked potatoes with coarse salt, butter, cold milk, mayonnaise, sour cream, green onions, sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, herring, frozen lard.

V. Pokhlebkin “Secrets of good cuisine”

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