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How to order food from a restaurant

How to order food from a restaurant
How to order food from a restaurant

Video: How to Order Food at a Restaurant in English 2024, June

Video: How to Order Food at a Restaurant in English 2024, June

If you plan to invite friends or just have a tasty dinner, but don’t want to cook, use the restaurant delivery service. You can order any dish - from pizza to banquet delights, complementing this set with desserts and drinks.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Choose the dishes you would like to try. Decide if you need drinks, soups, desserts and snacks, or if you plan on limiting yourself to a main course. Count how many people will participate in the meal.


Find the coordinates of home delivery restaurants. Detailed lists of catering establishments can be found on specialized sites. Call and specify on what conditions you can make an order.


Shipping cost depends on the distance. Some establishments are ready to bring dishes even out of town, others carry out delivery only in nearby areas. When ordering a certain amount, delivery may be free.


If you want to order dishes from different restaurants - for example, pilaf, sushi and lasagna - contact specialized delivery services. They combine several partner restaurants and independently form the set you need.


When placing an order, specify how long it will take to form, and when you can receive it. Please note that on weekends and holidays, the load on the delivery service increases and the waiting time may be longer. Some dishes from the menu - for example, stuffed fish, jellied pig and other banquet delights, must be ordered in advance - no later than two days before the planned celebration.


Tell the dispatcher the list of dishes that you plan to order. Ask him to repeat the order to avoid possible errors. If you need disposable tableware, appliances, or an extra portion of sauce, report it. Specify the amount of the order and the approximate delivery time.


Think about the calculation. If you do not have small bills, inform the dispatcher about this - cases when the courier fails to change are not uncommon. Tell me your exact address, including the number of the building, entrance, floor and code of the front door. Stay in touch - if the courier cannot find the way, most likely he will call you back for clarifications.


Take meals at the courier who arrived. Be sure to check its completeness. In case of shortage or error, contact the dispatcher who accepted your order. The same should be done if a sloppy-packed container has opened or sauce has spilled out of it. The amount of the order will be recounted or they will be offered compensation for the inconvenience - for example, a discount on the next order.


If you plan to serve restaurant dishes on a festive table, put them from containers in beautiful dishes. To give the food a more elegant look, decorate it with sauce, garnish with sprigs of herbs, chopped vegetables or lemon slices.

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