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How to beat milk foam

How to beat milk foam
How to beat milk foam

Video: How to Froth & Foam Milk Without an Espresso Machine or Steam | 4 Ways 2024, July

Video: How to Froth & Foam Milk Without an Espresso Machine or Steam | 4 Ways 2024, July

If you need milk foam, you probably want to make cappuccino coffee or latte at home. The best milk for this purpose is with a fat content of 3.2%. By whipping it, you allow its protein compounds to come into contact with air molecules, due to which a lush, stable foam is formed.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Milk
    • Coffee machine
    • Milk frother
    • Blender
    • Mixer
    • Whisk
    • French press
    • Milk jug (milk jug)

Instruction manual


If you are a happy owner of a coffee machine that knows how to make cappuccino, then whipping milk will not be difficult for you. Take a metal jug for milk foam, pour milk into it and immerse a steam valve into it. Steam should not be turned on at this time! By loading the crane, you can turn it on. Then start slowly and smoothly, but not too much, lower the jug, or raise the spout of the tap. Milk foam is formed on the border of milk and air precisely because it needs three things: air intake, hot steam, milk itself.


It’s not immediately possible to make good milk foam with the help of a coffee maker and a jug. This business requires habit and development of dexterity, so exercise - and a thick and stable milk foam sooner or later will start to work out for you. Some believe that a lot depends on the correct shape of the milk jug or milkman. Buy it specifically for coffee, it has a thoughtful shape.


If the coffee machine is not at home, then you can beat the milk with the available means: a mixer, a blender, a French press, a whisk and other similar devices. You cannot beat cold milk with their help, so you need to warm it. Hot, but not too much, milk is whipped easily enough. It is very convenient to warm the drink in the microwave. After warming the milk, beat it until you get a good froth. If you do this with a mixer, try different nozzles - so you will find the one that does the job best. Select a mixer mode in which movements have low amplitude and high speed.


There are special devices for whipping milk, these are small milk mixers. They have special nozzles to quickly cope with this task, but it is still better to warm the milk a little before whipping.


If you overheat or boil milk, milk foam may not work.

Useful advice

Starting whipping, immerse the mixer or other devices in a mug with milk and only then turn it on, otherwise you risk splashing the entire kitchen.

  • how to make cappuccino
  • milk foam

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