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How to beat whites with sugar

How to beat whites with sugar
How to beat whites with sugar

Video: Lesson: Whipping egg whites with sugar 2024, July

Video: Lesson: Whipping egg whites with sugar 2024, July

Proteins are the basis for many desserts. Air meringues are baked from them, they are boiled and served with milk sauce. Protein cream is filled with baskets and puff pastries, and excellent decoration on cakes is obtained from plastic drawing mass. In order for all these desserts to succeed, the proteins need to be whipped correctly.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 4 egg whites
    • 8 tablespoons of sugar or powdered sugar;
    • lemon acid.

Instruction manual


Before whipping, the eggs should be cooled. Keep them in the refrigerator until cooked. It does not hurt to put in a cold place and utensils for whipping - so the process will go faster, and the foam will be stronger.


Gently break the eggs one by one over a separate cup. Do not let the yolk get in, otherwise the protein will not be magnificent. Remove pieces of shell that have accidentally fallen into the cup with a corner of a paper towel.


Find a suitable whipping container. The dishes should be dry and absolutely clean, free of traces of fat. Choose a sufficiently deep bowl or saucepan - in the process of whipping, the mass will increase several times.


Pour the proteins into a container. Beat the mass with a wire whisk, making uniform movements in one direction. When the mass begins to increase in volume and the foam bubbles become small, start adding sugar or pre-sifted icing sugar in small portions. At the end of whipping, add a little citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice to make the cream plastic.


Properly whipped proteins are a lush and fairly dense foam that forms stable "peaks". If 10 minutes after you start beating, you are unable to achieve high foam, place the protein container in a saucepan with cold water and continue working. Do not add sugar to the insufficiently raised mass, otherwise you will not be able to bring it to the necessary splendor. From the finished proteins, you can cook meringues or make meringue cakes.


To smear the cakes and the filling for waffles and cakes, prepare a custard protein cream. Cook thick syrup from half a glass of water and 8 tablespoons of sugar. In a separate bowl, beat the squirrels in a dense, high foam. Without stopping beating, pour hot sugar syrup into the mass with a thin stream. Constantly stir the cream with a whisk, making it smooth circular movements.


After brewing, add a drop of citric acid to the mixture. If necessary, the cream can be tinted with natural or artificial dyes and add flavorings - for example, vanillin. Thoroughly mix the mass with a whisk. The cream should be used immediately after preparation. Whipped protein is a perishable product that is not subject to long storage.

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