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How to eat deliciously with gastritis: diet

How to eat deliciously with gastritis: diet
How to eat deliciously with gastritis: diet

Table of contents:



Everyone knows that with gastritis or a stomach ulcer you have to follow a strict diet. Is it possible to enjoy delicious food, or, having been diagnosed, have to permanently abandon your favorite foods?


Pick your recipe

Gastritis, contrary to the opinion of many food lovers, is by no means a sentence. Of course, with such a disease, you will have to say goodbye to many products. However, despite serious food restrictions, even in this case, you can choose a tasty, and most importantly, healthy diet, on which the most fastidious gourmet will not feel unhappy.

What can and cannot be done with gastritis

For starters, a few nutritional rules for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

  1. With gastritis, everything fried in oil or fat should be minimized.
  2. Forget that you can eat heavily pepper or spicy foods.
  3. The same applies to pickled, pickled, and simply acidic foods: their use affects a weakened stomach in the most negative way.
  4. You will have to refuse any too fatty foods: fish baked in their own juice, pork, fatty salads. Even a traditional morning sandwich with oil can be harmful, especially during an exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Coffee is a deadly enemy of an inflamed stomach, so it’s better to get used to the idea of ​​parting with this drink in advance.
  6. All products that cause fermentation processes are unacceptable - buns, kvass.
  7. Unfortunately, many sweets will also have to be forgotten - primarily chocolate and halva.
  8. Send deep bowls and half-portion plates to the cupboard. In no case can you eat up to the dump. It is difficult for a sick stomach to cope with a large amount of work, so the optimal amount of a single serving is 250 - 300 grams, not more. This number includes both the first and second courses. Get small salad bowls, which, if you wish, will not fit more food.
  9. Accustom yourself to eating often, in fractional portions, ideally 6 to 8 times a day, every 3 hours. There is no need to endure the feeling of hunger: the stomach for this will not say thank you.

These simple requirements must be observed even when the disease does not make itself felt. Otherwise, the diet will have to be made much tougher, and in addition, seriously treated for another exacerbation.

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