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How to choose a cucumber

How to choose a cucumber
How to choose a cucumber

Video: How to Pick Cucumbers 2024, June

Video: How to Pick Cucumbers 2024, June

Cucumbers are an essential component of a wide variety of dishes. This vegetable becomes especially popular in the summer season, when cucumbers are sold everywhere. Understanding this abundance is not easy. Following the following recommendations, you can choose high-quality and mouth-watering cucumbers for your table.


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The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing cucumbers is their appearance and color. Choose vegetables with a bright green peel and a dense texture. The color of fresh cucumbers is saturated, but not too shiny. If cucumbers have unnatural glare on their skin, they may be waxed or crammed with fertilizers. To the touch, vegetables should be elastic and strong, not have dark spots, bruises and cracks on the surface. Carefully consider the tail, if it looks too sluggish and wilted, it means that before you cucumbers are not the very first freshness. If you still got flabby and dried cucumbers, they can be reanimated by dropping in a dish with cold water. After a few hours, they will regain their elastic form.


Do not pick too large cucumbers. The optimal size of the most popular cucumber varieties is 10-15 cm. Too large cucumbers are overgrown, often have a watery taste and a large number of seeds. Another sign that the vegetable has outgrown is a yellow color. It is also worth refraining from buying such yellowed cucumbers. In addition, small cucumbers are much less bitter than large ones.


Another significant factor that speaks about the quality of a product is its flavor. If possible, smell the cut vegetable. The smell should be fresh, characteristic of a cucumber. Do not buy cucumbers that smell like impurities, and especially chemicals.


Cucumbers are very tender and capricious vegetables. Therefore, always pay attention to the places in which the goods are located. The best place for them would be a cool room with a fairly high humidity, such as a refrigerator. Under such conditions, most cucumber varieties remain fresh for about 2-3 weeks. It is not recommended to keep vegetables for a long time in a plastic bag, so if you get pre-packaged cucumbers, be sure to look at the date of packaging.

How to choose a cucumber

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