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How to cook potatoes for salad

How to cook potatoes for salad
How to cook potatoes for salad

Video: How to Make Potato Salad | EASY & HEALTHY RECIPE 2024, July

Video: How to Make Potato Salad | EASY & HEALTHY RECIPE 2024, July

Potato is the only vegetable not consumed raw in salads. Always only boiled. Or, in extreme cases, baked. This is explained both by its taste and by the presence in the product of unhealthy solanine, which partially decomposes and loses its toxic properties during heat treatment. But you can cook potatoes for salad in several ways.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Potatoes
    • pan
    • water
    • salt
    • peeling knife

Instruction manual


If you prefer "jacket" potatoes, pick the right amount of potatoes of approximately equal size. It is advisable to choose medium-sized root crops. In this case, they weld quickly and almost simultaneously. Wash all the potatoes thoroughly, if necessary, rub the peel with a hard sponge or soft brush.


Dip the potatoes in a small volume (the liquid should only cover 3/4 of the upper tubers) of boiling water. Close the pan with a lid. Salt water in about 10 minutes after the start of cooking. Cook potatoes on low heat for 15-20 minutes, until cooked. It is easy to check with a fork or a sharp knife: when root crops easily pierce, they are cooked.


Cool and peel the tubers. To the taste of the potato "in the jacket" differs from that which is cooked without a peel. It has a more dense and non-decaying structure. It is easy to cut into neat cubes. And, therefore, it is necessary for salads, in which the ingredients must retain their shape.


If the quality of the potato is low, cook it peeled. Wash the required number of tubers and peel them with a knife for peeling vegetables. Cut into large, but equal pieces - halves, quarters. The smaller the wedges, the faster the potatoes are cooked. Dip the cut into boiling water. Pour not too much water - the top layer will be steamed. Cook with the lid closed. Cooking time ranges from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the potato variety. Salt water just before the end of cooking, for about three minutes. Readiness determine empirically. Drain almost all of the water immediately. Leave only enough so that the potatoes are not welded to the bottom. Cool and cook the salad.


If you have a double boiler, boil peeled potatoes in it. In this case, the density and taste resembling potatoes “in their uniforms” will remain in root crops. In a double boiler, cook the potatoes a little longer - about 20 minutes. Check the readiness in the same way - by piercing with a fork.


Starting in February, last year’s potato cooking is not recommended. At this time, the most intensively formed in the potato peel harmful solanine.

Useful advice

Cooking time for young and old potatoes, as well as different varieties of this vegetable, can vary significantly.

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