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How to strengthen a child’s immunity

How to strengthen a child’s immunity
How to strengthen a child’s immunity

Video: How to Boost a Child's Immune System 2024, July

Video: How to Boost a Child's Immune System 2024, July

Parents very often complain about the frequent colds of their children. If you do everything right and dress according to the season, give vitamins, follow the recommendations of doctors, but the child is still often sick. This means that your baby has a weakened immune system. There are a lot of ways to strengthen immunity in children, but, as practice shows, auricle massage is the most effective.


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Instruction manual


"Flapping ears"

Bend your auricles so that they fit snugly against your head. Then straighten. Do this procedure several times. Auricles affect the overall strengthening of the child's body.


"Pulling the urine"

Take earlobes with both hands and pull down. Repeat 5-7 times. This exercise affects hardening of the tonsils.


"Torsion - spinning"

Insert your thumbs into the ears and rotate them in all directions for 30 minutes.

Useful advice

With the regular implementation of these procedures, the adrenal gland functions will improve, the nasal cavity and larynx will strengthen. Will the child's immunity increase? and he will become less sick.

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