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How to decorate a liver cake

How to decorate a liver cake
How to decorate a liver cake

Video: Печеночный Торт / Печінковий Торт / Liver Cake / Торт из Печени / Простой и Очень Вкусный Рецепт 2024, July

Video: Печеночный Торт / Печінковий Торт / Liver Cake / Торт из Печени / Простой и Очень Вкусный Рецепт 2024, July

Liver cake is a delicious delicacy that housewives love to cook for a cozy family dinner, as well as for guests who certainly need to be surprised with their own culinary delights. But gourmets appreciate not only taste, but also the attractiveness of their appearance - I really want the dish to “ask for itself” on the plate! To do this, there are various methods that can dramatically change the look of a finished dish. How can we effectively decorate our liver cake?


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - greens;

  • - cucumbers;

  • - tomatoes;

  • - radish;

  • - maoynes.

Instruction manual


Liver cake is an appetizer, respectively, and you need to decorate it with savory ingredients. The first way to decorate is with the help of mixed vegetables and greens. For this purpose, take a few cucumbers and tomatoes, a radish, green parsley and dill. Please note that all vegetables should be small in order to create a really nice decoration.


First you need to wash the vegetables and herbs. Next finely chop the greens, and cut all the vegetables into rings. Now start laying the vegetables on the liver cake in the following order: put rings of cucumbers and tomatoes on the middle of the cake, and exactly radish rings on the edges. Sprinkle greens abundantly on the top, and you can also decorate the cake with greens on the sides. However, before decorating the cake on the sides, do not forget to use a knife to align the edges and grease the cake with mayonnaise. After the decoration process, your cake should stand for several minutes.


Of course, this is not the only way to decorate the liver cake. This can be done with the help of more complex elements. For example, a cake pre-sprinkled with herbs can be decorated with roses made from the same cucumber rings. Such "flowers" can be alternated with flowers cut from egg white.


Liver cake may also become striped. Grease it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with hard cheese and egg yolk chips, making longitudinal stripes. Using similar products, you can "draw" other shapes, such as circles.


In the case of culinary decoration, imagination can help you the most. So for receiving guests a cake from the liver may look like a cone. You just need to bake liver pancakes of different diameters and fold them in the shape of a cone, which then also needs to be sprinkled with herbs. And if you know how to wield a pastry syringe, then it's easier to draw something on the liver cake with mayonnaise.

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