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How to decorate ice cream

How to decorate ice cream
How to decorate ice cream

Video: Ice Cream Decorating Ideas | AWESOME FOOD PROCESSING 2024, July

Video: Ice Cream Decorating Ideas | AWESOME FOOD PROCESSING 2024, July

Ice cream from an idle treat can turn into a healthy dessert, if you approach its decoration with intelligence and imagination. In nature, there are many bright colors that can replace any chemical ingredients.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual



Pine, walnuts and almonds are a classic decoration for ice cream. They can be either whole or crushed to the state of crumbs. Almond plates, which can be found in most supermarkets, are a very beautiful decoration.



The crushed pumpkin seeds or pistachios give the ice cream a delicate green tint and amazing taste. Dark or light sesame is both a healthy and bright decoration. It can be used whole or ground to a powder state.


Coconut flakes

Coconut flakes for decoration are used in almost all desserts. Find it easily in the confectionery departments. The use of unpainted chips is more preferable, because it will not cause you allergies or food poisoning.



To give the ice cream a bright aroma and warm taste, use cinnamon - this spice not only has an amazing taste, but also has a positive effect on health.


Fruits, berries

Bright gifts of nature can be used in several variations - they can be whole, if it's berries, or cut into pieces, circles, slices, if it's fruit. Also, with the help of a blender you can make delicious and natural sauces from fresh fruits and berries.



Healthy breakfasts have become popular in many cafeterias as a decoration. Muesli will give ice cream not only an interesting texture, but also a new taste.



Honey is not only a healthy sweet, but also a wonderful decoration. Using a thin stream of honey, you can make beautiful patterns and inscriptions on the dessert.



If you want your dessert to remain as healthy as possible, use natural cocoa beans instead of regular chocolate. They can be grated crushed or melted to a liquid state. As with honey, a thin stream of chocolate turns into beautiful patterns and inscriptions.



With the help of mint leaves, basil, rose petals and other herbs and flowers pleasing to the eye, you can decorate not only salads. In combination with a sweet dessert, their aroma and appearance can completely change its taste perception.



Citrus peel grated for decoration - fresh taste and aroma on your table!


Dried fruits

Raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes and figs can be for your dessert not only a decoration, but also a great addition.


Version for children

Using the above ingredients, you can turn simple balls of ice cream into unusual characters that children love so much. The easiest option is a snowman - a pair of balls of ice cream, a cap-waffle cone and eyes-raisins. Your child will not forget such a dessert yet!

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