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How to decorate cakes with ice

How to decorate cakes with ice
How to decorate cakes with ice

Video: Masterclass: How to Decorate a Layer Cake with Smooth Buttercream Icing | Cupcake Jemma 2024, July

Video: Masterclass: How to Decorate a Layer Cake with Smooth Buttercream Icing | Cupcake Jemma 2024, July

Aising (from the English. Icing - icing, sugar icing) is an edible lace pattern for decorating confectionery. Give your cakes uniqueness and charm with light tracery lines! Preparing the mass for icing does not require serious effort and cost, but your cake will subsequently become a work of art.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - egg 1 pc.

  • - icing sugar 250 g

  • - citric acid (pinch)

  • - drinking glucose solution 1 tsp.

  • - tracing paper or translucent parchment baking paper

  • - cream injector

  • - toothpick

Instruction manual


Choose an openwork pattern using the Internet. It can be a flower, snowflake, etc., at your discretion. Redraw the drawing on tracing paper or parchment paper with a pencil. Turn over so that the mass does not come into contact with graphite during application.


Separate the egg white from the yolk, beat to a foamy state.


Divide the icing sugar into approximately equal 4 parts. Add alternately to the protein, grinding to a homogeneous mass.


While stirring, add citric acid and glucose. As a result of all the manipulations, a white viscous mass should be obtained.


Gather the mass into the syringe and, slowly squeezing out, apply to the drawing along the outer contour.


With the help of a toothpick, make small internal lines and strokes, as well as give the outline wavy outlines.


Follow all your drawings and leave to dry in a warm place for 1-2 days.


To separate the pattern from the paper, lay the tracing paper on the corner of the table so that it hangs a little. Carefully bend the hanging edges of the paper from below, holding the pattern with your finger.


At the stage of drawing, make sure that all lines are interconnected. Otherwise, when the mass dries, the pattern will tear.

Useful advice

To paint with colored ice, at the stage of mass preparation, use food coloring. Liquid icing can be used to glue already dried parts of three-dimensional shapes.

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