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How to lay nori

How to lay nori
How to lay nori

Video: How To Roll Sushi Rolls - How To Make Sushi Rolls 2024, July

Video: How To Roll Sushi Rolls - How To Make Sushi Rolls 2024, July

The ability to lay norias is quite difficult, despite the apparent simplicity of the result. In order for sushi rolls to be tight and neat, it is better to use an auxiliary accessory, a special mat.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - boiled rice in Japanese;

  • - a mixture of water and vinegar 1: 1;

  • - mat for sushi;

  • - nori sheets 18x10 cm;

  • - filling.

Instruction manual


Think about what size sushi rolls will be. They can be narrow, these are the so-called hosomaki or simple rolls. In this case, the filling usually ranges from one to three strips of fish or vegetables of small thickness, so it is better to cut the nori in half along the longitudinal side so that you can wrap the roll only once with a small clearance for fixing.


If you intend to make more complex futomaki or saimaki rolls (rolls inside out with thick filling), then take the nori sheets of normal size.


Place the mat on the table, put a sheet of nori on it. Spread rice in small portions on it, wetting your hands in a mixture of vinegar and water so that the rice does not stick.


Spread the rice so that it covers the nori sheet with an even layer. Leave the strips untouched on the sides and from the farthest edge of you about 1 cm wide. Put the filling in the center of the resulting rice field perpendicular to you.


Bring your thumbs under the mat from the edge away from you and slightly raise it together. Hold the filling with your other fingers so that it does not move to the side.


Bend the mat forward, tightly folding the roll, make one revolution. Then lift the mat and pull it forward slightly so that the unfinished roll is again from its near edge. Repeat these two steps as necessary. As a rule, narrow rolls require one or two turns, thick ones - three.


Remove the mat and fasten the edges. Apply a little mixture of water and vinegar to soften the nori and make it more sticky. Cut the finished roll with a sharp knife into 6-8 parts.


You can lay nori not only in the form of rolls, but also for the formation of temaki. This variety of sushi has the shape of a triangle. Put half the sheet on the left palm, with your fingertips spread the rice on it, leaving a little less than half the sheet untouched, put the filling.


Fold the bottom of the nori with rice diagonally up to make a triangle. Wrap the remaining clean part of the sheet around it and secure it by dampening it with water and vinegar.

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