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How to remove the taste of a burnt

How to remove the taste of a burnt
How to remove the taste of a burnt

Video: How to Save a Burnt Sauce | It's Only Food w/ Chef John Politte 2024, June

Video: How to Save a Burnt Sauce | It's Only Food w/ Chef John Politte 2024, June

Mistresses are trying to do everything for their households. But time is usually never enough. Indeed, in the days only 24 hours, for which you need to have time to go to work and go shopping and take children from kindergarten-schools. And at home, they are still waiting for cleaning, washing and preparing essential food. You have to combine and do several household chores at the same time. As a result of this, milk, cereals, a frying pan with meat are often forgotten on the stove, as evidenced by the smell of burnt products, which quickly spreads throughout the apartment. Spending scarce time on experiences is not worth it - you can try to save almost any dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - salt;

  • - table vinegar;

  • - citrus zest;

  • - bitter chocolate;

  • - crust of fresh bread;

  • - sugar;

  • - icing sugar with cinnamon;

  • - chocolate glaze;

  • - milk;

  • - cream;

  • - sour cream.
  • For the sauce:

  • - broth or warm boiled water;

  • - butter;

  • - salt, black pepper;

  • - parsley, thyme, sage or rosemary.

Instruction manual


Pour the milk immediately into another pan if it burns when boiled. Put it in a basin of cold water. Add a little salt and stir. You can still cover the container with milk with a damp cloth moistened with a weak solution of vinegar and wrung out. So you get rid of the smell of burning.


If you use homemade fatty milk, then try diluting it with cold boiled water. Rancid taste will decrease significantly.


Strain the milk several times through clean cheesecloth, rinsing it after each straining. The taste will disappear.


Separate the burnt portion of custard. Pour the remaining cream into another dish and add a little lemon or orange zest to it. You can add a little melted dark chocolate to it, which will “ennoble” and hide the burnt taste.


Fold the burnt rice into another bowl. Put a fresh crust of bread there and cover. After about 20-30 minutes, the unpleasant taste and smell will disappear.


Remove the burnt layer from the cooled pie or biscuit. Scrape it off with a knife or grater. Mask the burnt taste with chocolate or cinnamon icing sugar.


Place the pan with burnt porridge in a basin with very cold water. After, put the porridge, without touching the burnt layer, into another dish. Add the required amount of warm boiled milk and salt. Bring the dish to cook over low heat.


Replace the baked cheese when baking with a fresh piece and bake again.


Save the taste of meat after burning with a sauce with aromatic fresh herbs.


Put the finished meat on a plate. Leave some juice that the meat gave when cooking. If a crust forms on the pieces, cut it off.


Pour some water or ready-made broth into a clean pan, add meat juice and seasonings. Boil for 2-3 minutes over high heat. Add butter. Stir until the consistency of the sauce is smooth. Remove from heat and salt and pepper if necessary.


Get rid of the burnt taste of vegetables. Add cream, sour cream or sugar.

if the meat is burnt

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