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How to remove acid from borsch

How to remove acid from borsch
How to remove acid from borsch

Video: How to Make Summer Borscht with What Jew Wanna Eat 2024, June

Video: How to Make Summer Borscht with What Jew Wanna Eat 2024, June

Many peoples consider borsch as their national dish - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Poles and even Romanians. It is prepared differently in each region, and there are no counting of varieties and recipes. Almost every cook has its own subtleties and nuances of cooking this dish. For example, they preserve beet color in different ways. Mainly with acid - acetic, citric or from tomatoes. Sometimes after applying this method of preserving the "beauty" of borsch, you have to get rid of excess acidity in your favorite dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - salt;

  • - carrot;

  • - water;

  • - sugar;

  • - eggs;

  • - potatoes;

  • - beets;

  • - finished broth;

  • - rice;

  • - drinking soda;

  • - high fat sour cream.

Instruction manual


Add a little salt to the borsch, if its concentration in the finished broth allows. Salt interacts with acid, reducing it. It is best to dilute a small amount of salt in hot boiled water and pour into borsch.


Grate the carrots. Stew until tender with a little water in the pan. Add to broth, stir well. Cover and after 5 minutes remove from heat.


Remove excess acid from borsch with sugar. Add a small amount of sugar to the broth, mix thoroughly and boil for several minutes. If you have not added stewed vegetables (beets, carrots, onions) to the borsch, then you can sprinkle them with sugar when stewing. This method will also help preserve beet color.


Hard boil two eggs. Peel and chop finely. Add to borsch just before the end of cooking. The broth acid will decrease.


Slice the medium-thick julienne potatoes and add to the soup pot. Cook until cooked.


Boil the beets separately. Grate on a coarse grater and add to the borsch.


Bring the required amount of water to a boil. Pour into the broth, having previously removed an equal amount of liquid or thick from it.


Often the housewives have stock left over. You can reduce acid by adding pre-warmed broth to the borsch.


Rinse thoroughly with rice. Tie it in sterile gauze or bandage. Place the "bag" in a pan with borsch and cook until rice is cooked. After uninstall it.


Add to the boiling or boiling borsch a little bit of drinking soda. Mix well.


Serve sour cream with a higher percentage of fat or cream. Dairy products help neutralize acid.


If you use soda, salt or sugar to eliminate excess acid, then add them gradually, in small doses. It is better to first dilute them in hot boiled water.

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