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How to cook pea porridge quickly

How to cook pea porridge quickly
How to cook pea porridge quickly

Video: Surprisingly Delicious Poor People's Food From the 1700's 2024, July

Video: Surprisingly Delicious Poor People's Food From the 1700's 2024, July

Pea porridge is very useful due to a large amount of nutritious protein. Peas are suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle. The beneficial substances contained in it provide the body with energy and increase efficiency. Natural sugar, which is rich in some varieties of peas, improves brain activity. Peas are among the foods that are recommended for use during long Christian Lent, so do not neglect pea dishes.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Peas;
    • enameled dishes;
    • water;
    • plate.

Instruction manual


Prepare the peas for cooking. Before you cook peas, it must be thoroughly washed, preferably under running water, until the water becomes clean and clear. Since peas are cooked for a long time, there are several ways to speed up cooking. The first way is soaking. Soaked washed peas for 10-12 hours - this is the most optimal period of time for it to swell and absorb liquid. It is best to soak peas in the evening if you are going to cook porridge in the afternoon. Keep in mind that chopped peas (halves) soak faster.


Then drain the water in which the peas were soaked, rinse again and now put it to cook. Pour cold water into the saucepan so that it not only covers all the peas, but is also two fingers taller. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the temperature of the burner to allow a slow boil, and cook the peas for about 40 minutes.


The second way to speed up cooking peas is to add oil to the water. If you have butter, it is better to add it, in this case, the taste of peas will only become brighter and more saturated. In case you have only vegetable oil, add it. The taste of peas does not change much, but it cooks much faster.


The third way to cook peas faster is to gradually add cold water. Put the pan on the fire and pour a tablespoon of cold water into it every 8 minutes. This process of sudden temperature changes affects the speed of cooking peas.


After the peas are cooked (cooking time will depend on the variety of peas and on the time of soaking), turn off the stove, add ground pepper and crush a clove of garlic in a saucepan. This will give the dish an extra flavor. Remove garlic from porridge before serving.


This healthy dish also has contraindications. Peas should be limited to those who suffer from intestinal disorders, such as flatulence. To neutralize this effect of legumes, you can eat fennel or dill, this will reduce gas formation.

Useful advice

To prevent peas from burning, be sure to stir it during cooking, but very carefully - you can burn yourself with hot porridge.

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