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How to save a pumpkin in winter

How to save a pumpkin in winter
How to save a pumpkin in winter

Video: How to store pumpkins and winter squashes | Grow at Home | RHS 2024, July

Video: How to store pumpkins and winter squashes | Grow at Home | RHS 2024, July

Pumpkin is one of the most healthy and nutritious foods. Storage of vegetables grown in the garden is an important process for any summer resident. The ability to maintain taste and vitamins depends on how the pumpkin crop was grown and prepared for storage for the winter.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - pumpkin;

  • - a sharp knife;

  • - sterilized banks;

  • - salt;

  • - sugar;

  • - water.

Instruction manual


There are several ways to preserve a pumpkin crop in winter. If there is a cellar, store the pumpkin in it at a temperature of 1-4 ° C. See that vegetables do not touch each other. Place the pumpkin in a row on a shelf located about 50 cm above the floor. Ponytails should be located to the top. In this way, you can save the pumpkin for several months. The cellar should be dark and cool, air humidity not more than 70%. Be sure to look at the condition of the vegetable peel, it should be intact.


You can simply freeze a pumpkin. To do this, wash it, peel and seed, cut into pieces, preferably into cubes. Put in a container and put in the freezer. Use the resulting semi-finished product at any time for the preparation of various vegetable, meat dishes and soups.


Pumpkin can be harvested in a salty form. To do this, prepare a solution of salt with water. Take products per 5 kg of pumpkin - 1.5 kg of salt. Wash the pumpkin under cold water, peel and seed and cut into slices. Put prepared slices tightly in sterilized jars, pour cold solution so that the pumpkin is completely covered. Sprinkle with salt on top. Spices do not need to be added. Store at room temperature.


You can make jam from pumpkin peels. Cook the syrup over low heat using sugar and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Peel the peels and cut into different pieces. Pour thick syrup and mix. Throw the finished mixture onto a sieve, leave for a while, so that all the liquid in the glass. Put the finished pumpkin peels on a board and dry a little. Sprinkle them evenly with sugar and put in clean jars.

Useful advice

If the pumpkin tail becomes wet during storage, you need to cut it to a dry layer and dry the cut using a candle flame.

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