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How to reduce the amount of nitrates in foods

How to reduce the amount of nitrates in foods
How to reduce the amount of nitrates in foods

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Video: Why dietary nitrate is hard to beet - Andrew Webb 2024, July

Video: Why dietary nitrate is hard to beet - Andrew Webb 2024, July

On store shelves, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find natural and healthy products. A low level of nitrates is one of the main indicators of their purity and safety. They cannot be completely eliminated, but it is quite possible to reduce the amount of nitrates entering the human body.


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What are nitrates and why are they dangerous?

Nitrates and nitrites are salts and esters of nitric acid (chemical inorganic compounds).

They are a common product of the exchange of nitrogenous substances of living organisms: plant and animal. Nitrates are also formed in the human body. They participate in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and regulate blood pressure.

Nitrates enter the human body as follows:

  • with foods of plant origin;

  • with meat;

  • with meat products and semi-finished products;

  • with drinking water;

  • with medicines.

Excess nitrates under the influence of enzymes in the human body turns into toxic nitrites. They enter the bloodstream, turn hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which leads to serious violations of tissue respiration.

Nitrates contribute to the formation of pathogenic intestinal microflora. In the human body, toxic toxins are released, and the body is poisoned.

The main symptoms of nitrate poisoning:

  • sharp abdominal pains;

  • nausea;

  • vomiting

  • cyanosis of the face and nails;

  • enlarged liver;

  • diarrhea with blood;

  • dyspnea;

  • heart palpitations;

  • headache;

  • fatigue and drowsiness.

The constant use of foods with a high content of nitrates can cause metabolic disorders, allergies, thyroid disease. Nitrates negatively affect the intestinal microflora, negatively affect the human hormonal system, and can cause miscarriages and infertility.

Another negative quality of nitrates is that they can gradually accumulate in the body.

Nitrite is very dangerous for babies up to a year. In children up to three months, special enzymes that restore methemoglobin back to hemoglobin are completely absent. Nursing mothers need to follow a diet and carefully choose products for their diet, otherwise harmful substances will enter the baby's body along with milk.

How to measure the amount of nitrate in foods

The Ministry of Health has determined acceptable nitrate intake rates.

For adults, it is considered safe to use 0.2 mg of nitrite and 5 mg of nitrate per 1 kg of body weight per day. Norm for drinking water: the concentration of nitrates should not exceed 45 mg / l. There are standards for nitrates and for various foods.

According to the rules, all fruits and vegetables must be tested for harmful substances before they reach store shelves. You can independently measure the amount of nitrates in the products. To do this, you need to purchase a portable nitrate tester (ecotester). Modern models are very compact, accurate and easy to operate.

It is better to buy a digital device, it is easy to use, it is affordable, and the result is pretty accurate.

When choosing a meter, consider the size and weight of the device, its speed and sensitivity of the probe. You can check the products for safety right in the store.

Using the tester is very simple. You need to attach the probe to the vegetable or fruit and click on the "start" button. After a few seconds, the metering value is displayed. Typically, digital counter data is accompanied by color highlighting. A red background means that the nitrate level is significantly higher than normal. Some testers may additionally measure radiation levels. Measurement of radioactivity is a useful function, since radiation causes great harm to health.

Nitrate tester can be purchased at a specialized store or order the device via the Internet.

The simplest determinant of nitrate content in products is special test strips. It is enough to attach them to the slice of the vegetable (fruit) and wait for the color indication.

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