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How to save time on cooking

How to save time on cooking
How to save time on cooking

Video: 10 Genius Hacks To Save Time In The Kitchen 2024, July

Video: 10 Genius Hacks To Save Time In The Kitchen 2024, July

Cooking takes a lot of time, which is already constantly lacking. Some tricks will help you reduce the number of hours spent in the kitchen, while you will, as before, feed your family delicious and healthy dishes.


Pick your recipe

Try to plan the menu in advance - this will make it possible to buy all the necessary products or order them with delivery, and not run to the store in the process of cooking. In addition, you will be able to plan the budget, because you will be able to calculate in advance the cost of food.

Have food in the refrigerator. Must be present: vegetables, fruits, sausages, cheeses, butter, milk, eggs. If you need to quickly cook something, you can make sandwiches, cook milk porridge or soup - this will take you no more than 30 minutes.

If you have very little time to cook daily, you can do it every 2 days. Store food in a refrigerator in vacuum containers, and before eating spend a couple of minutes to reheat it in a microwave. But keep in mind that the usefulness of dishes decreases every day, because vitamins and minerals are destroyed.

Clean the work area immediately. While you don’t need to cut anything, you can easily wash the dishes. Also wipe off the spattered fat until it is dry. All this will help to save about an hour of time that can be spent on vacation or other things.

Significantly reduce the time of modern appliances, for example, a microwave, a double boiler, a slow cooker, food processors, etc. It will be ideal if they are equipped with an on and off timer. Thus, you can load groceries, set the time, and upon arrival home you will only have to serve a hot meal to the table.

Cut vegetables and fruits on weekends or during free hours, then freeze. This will help to reduce several times the time spent on daily cooking. By the way, you can do cutting for future use when you cook. Attracting family members is a good option if they are not against it. One person can cut, another can peel vegetables.

If all this does not fit, you can use semi-finished products, because in this case you will not have to wait until meat, poultry, etc. are marinated. Dumplings, dumplings, cutlets can be purchased frozen, you just have to boil them or cook them in any other way.

It is important to buy semi-finished products in trusted stores that closely monitor quality. The Alphabet of Taste offers its customers selected products in chilled or frozen form. You can be sure that the dishes will be tasty and healthy.

When there is absolutely no time to cook, the delivery of ready-made dishes offered by the Alphabet of Taste will come to your aid. All kinds of soups, main dishes, salads, fresh pastries from the chef-baker, and much more are always available. Also in the store are presented meat, fish delicacies, juices and fruit drinks, confectionery.

You can order products through the online store, choosing a convenient time for delivery. Pay attention to the icons near the product - some dishes are vegetarian, low in calories, etc. Buying in our store is easy and safe, and payment can be made in a way convenient for you!

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