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How to Make Egg-Free Vegetarian Omelet

How to Make Egg-Free Vegetarian Omelet
How to Make Egg-Free Vegetarian Omelet

Video: Eggless Omelette Recipe | Indian Street Style No Egg Vegan Omelettes 2024, July

Video: Eggless Omelette Recipe | Indian Street Style No Egg Vegan Omelettes 2024, July

As you know, many vegetarians do not eat eggs in addition to meat and fish. This trend of vegetarianism is called lacto-vegetarianism. Eggs in pastries are successfully replaced by lacto-vegetarians with bananas, starch or flaxseed flour. You can even cook an omelet without eggs! This delicate dish will not leave anyone indifferent.


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You will need: Adyghe cheese - 200 g; tomato - 2 pcs.; zucchini - 1/2 pcs.; dill or parsley - 50 g; melted or vegetable oil - 1 tsp; pita bread - 1/2 sheet; spices - asafoetida, black salt, black pepper, turmeric.

Wash the tomatoes and zucchini thoroughly. Cut the washed vegetables into small cubes. If desired, chopped bell peppers or other seasonal vegetables, such as cauliflower, can be added to the omelet.

Rub a piece of Adyghe cheese on a coarse or medium grater. Chop the greens finely. Place the pan on a slow fire. When the pan is hot, melt melted or vegetable oil on it. Fry in oil spices - asafoetida, black pepper, turmeric. When the spices begin to reveal their smell, immediately add chopped tomatoes and zucchini to the pan. Make sure that the spices do not burn.

Asafoetida is an amazing spice that improves digestion and has a garlic-onion aroma and taste. Its peculiarity is that after eating asafoetida, there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth. To the beneficial properties of this spice revealed, it is important not to go too far with it.

Turmeric is a unique spice that has a healing effect. It is even called a natural antibiotic. Turmeric can be added to many dishes, such as soups or stewed vegetables. She does not have a pronounced taste, but she gives the dishes a beautiful golden color.

Add chopped vegetables to the warmed spices. Sauté over medium heat until tomatoes give juice. After a little reduction in heat, place the grated cheese in a pan. Sprinkle chopped dill or parsley on top. Cook for a few more minutes until the cheese melts a little.

Wrap the finished dish in pita bread and fry it on both sides. You can also serve omelet with fried toast from yeast-free bread or with vegetarian pancakes.

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