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How to make salted cucumbers quickly

How to make salted cucumbers quickly
How to make salted cucumbers quickly

Video: Quick Pickles - Everyday Food with Sarah Carey 2024, June

Video: Quick Pickles - Everyday Food with Sarah Carey 2024, June

It is difficult to imagine a Russian feast without salted cucumbers. This is rightfully a Russian dish, despite the fact that cucumbers themselves were known in ancient India. Any housewife should be able to cook them, especially since there are a lot of recipes and almost all of them are simple to execute.


Pick your recipe

Making salted cucumbers quickly can be very simple. And this is not only a deliciously prepared snack, but also a healthy dish. First of all, such cucumbers help to cope with stress, reduce swelling, and maintain normal blood pressure. And men are helped to maintain their health. Not only the cucumbers themselves are useful, but also the pickle: it relieves spasms and prevents cramps. In addition, salted cucumbers are well combined with meat dishes.

Even a girl without experience and experience in cooking can make salted cucumbers. There are many ways to cook this appetizer. The recipes of light-salted cucumbers differ in the preparation time and the main method, the results are identical.

The first way is to make salted cucumbers in a plastic bag. This preparation is the fastest of all. The advantage of this method is not only that the cucumbers are cooked very quickly, but also in the taste features: you can cook the cucumbers the way you like. If you are a fan of spicy, do not spare horseradish, a mixture of peppers, some add raspberry, blackcurrant leaves. If you like the natural taste more, you can do with a minimal set of seasonings. How to make salted cucumbers in a package? First, you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers,
  • salt - 5 teaspoons
  • garlic,
  • dill.

Secondly, prepare them: rinse thoroughly, trim the ends, place in a bag. Add salt and mix. Then add finely chopped garlic and dill, mix all this too. Place the bag in the refrigerator for three hours. That's all, light-salted cucumbers are ready.


There is another option to make salted cucumbers quickly. Cucumbers need to be chopped into small slices, add garlic and dill to them, finely chopped, as in the first case. Then add 2 tablespoons of salt, mix well, squeeze out all the air from the bag, tie. And after an hour you can enjoy delicious cucumbers.

Another way, longer cooking time, but not more complicated. Also prepare the cucumbers, place them in cold water for a quarter of a day, so that the cucumbers become crispy. After the specified time, put the same ingredients on the bottom of the container (it can be a container, pan or basin), you can add a little red capsicum. Now the turn of cucumbers: put them on top of spices and pour brine. The brine is prepared as follows: half a liter of water, one teaspoon of salt. If you want to make salted cucumbers quickly, during the day, then take hot water for brine. If you take the cold - you can eat cucumbers in three days. After the cucumbers are filled, horseradish leaves can be laid on top, this will give the cucumbers even more crunch.

For those who do not want to wait for hours, the following option is suitable. You need to rinse the cucumbers, cut off the ends, cut into rings. Mix with garlic, passed through the press, with salt and sugar, dill. The whole mixture should be mixed in a jar, leaving for several minutes, at least ten. So you can make salted cucumbers right before the arrival of unexpected guests.

Each time, the cucumbers will turn out to be more crispy and tasty, because the main thing is experience.

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