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How to make lemonade

How to make lemonade
How to make lemonade

Video: How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons 2024, July

Video: How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons 2024, July

Many parents do not allow their children to drink lemonade. And they are absolutely right when it comes to too sweet, carbonated drink, industrial production. But who can object to a glass - another fine homemade lemonade?


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 5-6 large lemons
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 1 glass of water
    • 4 cups cold boiled water
    • Jug
    • Ice

Instruction manual


The simplest homemade lemonade is made from syrup and lemon juice.

To get syrup, pour 1 cup of water into a saucepan and pour one cup of granulated sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and work on lemons.


Rinse the lemons with boiling water or put them in the microwave for several minutes. So you get more juice from them and at the same time sanitize them. Squeeze the juice with a juicer or with your hands.


Pour chilled boiled water into a jug. Choose a jug so that water, lemon juice and syrup together occupy no more than ¾ of its volume.


Add sugar syrup and lemon juice to the water, stir.

Put ice cubes in lemonade and keep it in the refrigerator.


You can garnish lemonade with lemon slices and fresh mint leaves.

Especially harmoniously combined with lemonade lemon balm - lemon mint.


The recipe for ginger lemonade is a little more complicated.

You should make exactly the same sugar syrup as for ordinary homemade lemonade.

Squeeze lemon juice.


Peel the ginger root and grate. Squeeze ginger juice through cheesecloth.


Mix boiled water, syrup, ginger and lemon juice in a jug.

Add ice cubes and insist in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Useful advice

You can make lemonade from a mixture of lemon juice and lime. You can dilute lemon juice and syrup with sparkling water, in which case lemonade should be served immediately. Instead of sugar syrup, you can use honey preheated in a water bath. With lemons, you can remove the zest in advance and bake a pie, cake or casserole with it, or free them from the skin and cook lemon peels in the manner of candied fruit.

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How to make lemonade from fruits and berries

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