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How to make a swan from an apple

How to make a swan from an apple
How to make a swan from an apple

Video: How to Make an Edible Apple Swan! 2024, July

Video: How to Make an Edible Apple Swan! 2024, July

The most everyday culinary dish can be made extraordinary if you skillfully serve it. Having mastered the simple tricks of creating jewelry from vegetables and fruits, you can arrange a holiday for your family every day. Children will especially appreciate your skill when, instead of boring stuffing them with useful vitamins, you suggest they try to devour an apple swan!


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Apple
    • sharp knife
    • match or toothpick
    • two berries of currant or blueberry.

Instruction manual


Cut the apple in half and free from the core.


Put one half with the slice down and carefully cut in it on both sides of the lobule.


In each of these slices, cut out two more small pieces. According to the principle of nesting dolls - one in the other.


Insert the large slices back, slightly moving them from the cut line, in the same way set the small ones in place - one in the other and each while slightly shifted to the side. You should have a swan body with lush wings.


Cut a thin slice from the remaining second half of the apple - this will be the neck.


In the half-body, in the place where you plan to identify the swan neck, make a deep triangular neckline.


Insert the neck into the hole made.


Break off part of the toothpick and use it to make the eye swan out of currant. Do the same with the second berry.


Try to cut the wings with not very large slices, so as not to pierce the apple through. And at the same time not very small, because in a small segment it will be difficult to cut out even smaller details - it will fall apart.

Useful advice

It is better to take an apple of hard varieties - it will be easier to make cuts;

Instead of currant berries, you can use grape seeds or seeds from the apple itself. Then you don’t need a toothpick - you just need to stick the bones in the apple segment with the sharp end;

From a slice of orange or lemon, you can try to make a beak for a swan.

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