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How to make coffee grounds

How to make coffee grounds
How to make coffee grounds

Video: Coffee WITH NO COFFEE MAKER | 2 Ways | No Electric Coffee Maker? No Problem! 2024, July

Video: Coffee WITH NO COFFEE MAKER | 2 Ways | No Electric Coffee Maker? No Problem! 2024, July

Among natural remedies for the treatment of cellulite, coffee grounds always take all prizes for their effectiveness. Just a few procedures with coffee grounds - and the cellulite tubercles in problem areas begin to smooth out, and the skin takes on elasticity and a fresh look.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - ground coffee;

  • - water;

  • - cezve.

Instruction manual


Make yourself a cup of aromatic coffee. To do this, pour cold water into a cezve, pour ground coffee at the rate of 1 teaspoon with a top on a cup of drink and put on the smallest fire.


After the liquid is heated, foam will begin to appear on its surface. Using a teaspoon, carefully place this foam in a cup. Now wait until the coffee begins to boil. You will notice that the foam on its surface became more, and it began to rise. At that moment, turn off the fire under the cezve.


Remove the cezve from the stove and pour coffee into the cup. If your goal is coffee grounds, you cannot add milk or sugar to the drink. Drink coffee, and pour the remaining thick bottom on a plate or sheet of paper and dry well.


You can use the coffee grounds on your own as a scrub during each bath, or enter it into complex home cosmetics.

A couple of times a week while taking a bath, rub coffee grounds into problem areas of your body. The longer and more thoroughly you do it, the faster you will see how the skin is smoothed, cellulite and sagging go.


If you are a lover of the Russian bath, then take coffee grounds with you to the bathhouse. After a steamy, the effectiveness of coffee peeling increases several times.


Use coffee grounds as a face scrub. The product will remove dead cells, returning the skin softness and velvety. In addition, the composition of coffee is rich in trace elements that improve skin condition.


If your skin is too sensitive, add coffee buzz to your favorite shower gel before use. Or, if you are going to treat your face - in milk for washing.

Useful advice

If you do not drink coffee, coffee grounds can be made in another way. 2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. After this, drain the broth. If you have dark hair, you can rinse their hair after washing, as it gives the hair shine. At the bottom of the dishes in which you brewed coffee, there will be coffee grounds that you can use to care for your face and body.

Coffee grounds - a universal remedy for women

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