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How to make strawberry ice cream

How to make strawberry ice cream
How to make strawberry ice cream

Video: Easy Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe (Only 3-Ingredients) 2024, July

Video: Easy Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe (Only 3-Ingredients) 2024, July

Ice cream is a favorite summer dessert of all generations. And if it is cooked with fragrant strawberries, then you get double pleasure from it. The best thing, of course, is to make ice cream yourself, in which case you will be sure of its quality. A recipe

- he is in front of you!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • 30 percent cream - 200 grams

  • Condensed milk and concentrated milk - each jar (weighing 380 grams)

  • Strawberries rubbed through a sieve - 100 milliliters

Instruction manual


Pour the condensed milk into a convenient bowl, place it in a bowl filled with ice. Beat the condensed milk with a mixer to splendor, then put the mashed berries and beat for a couple of minutes. Add cream and continue to work with the mixer until the mass thickens.


Pour heavily chilled concentrated milk into a separate container and whisk it for two minutes. After which the two whipped masses, having combined, mix with a mixer at a low speed. Put the future ice cream in a mold and put it in the freezer.


After two hours, get the ice cream, mix with a spoon and return it to the freezer again - it will reach the condition for another two or three hours. Fifteen minutes before serving, move the dessert from the freezer to the refrigerator.


Hold a round spoon in hot water, dry with a clean cloth, and then fill it with ice cream. Pour each serving with cream or berry sauce, sprinkle with crushed nuts or grated chocolate, garnish with mint or whole berries.


All products are chilled.

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