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How to make mushroom caviar with tomatoes

How to make mushroom caviar with tomatoes
How to make mushroom caviar with tomatoes

Video: Mushroom Caviar. Great vegetable spread on a crusty bread. 2024, July

Video: Mushroom Caviar. Great vegetable spread on a crusty bread. 2024, July

The time for autumn preparations for the winter is drawing near. Among them, a place of honor is occupied by preparations from mushrooms. Canned mushroom caviar is in the cellar or pantry, while fresh caviar is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days. Also caviar is frozen and used for further preparation of soups and dressings.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • mushrooms - 1 kg
    • onions - 2 pcs.
    • tomatoes - 350 g
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • vegetable oil
    • salt to taste
    • ground black pepper - to taste

Instruction manual


For this dish, you can take any fresh tubular mushrooms, for example, porcini, boletus, it is also allowed to use lamellar mushrooms, such as champignons, honey mushrooms, etc. Use mainly hats. You can take dried mushrooms, but soak them in water overnight before use. Thoroughly clean mushrooms from the ground, leaves, etc. Rinse them well. Then put in a saucepan, fill with water, salt and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. After cooking, drain the broth, let the mushrooms cool and pass them through the meat grinder. Put the mushroom mass in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry on medium heat for about 25-30 minutes.


Take the medium-sized onion heads, peel it, rinse and cut into fairly thin rings. Rinse the tomatoes well, cut into circles. Wash medium-sized carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Sauté the vegetables over low heat in vegetable oil for several minutes.


Mix vegetables with mushroom mass, add salt, pepper and other spices to your taste. Fry in a pan for 15-20 minutes.


Take cans with rolled or twisted lids, rinse them with soda or any other cleaning agent, steam-sterilize for several minutes, depending on the volume of the can. Pour still hot caviar into the prepared containers and sterilize for about 35 minutes a volume of 0.7 L, increase or decrease the sterilization time depending on the size of the jar. Close the lids, wrap. Leave the jars wrapped until cool. Keep this caviar in the cellar or refrigerator. If storage in a warm place is required, add 1 tsp. To each jar. 9% vinegar.


Variety of mushroom caviar, adding to it 1-2 tbsp. l mayonnaise or tomato paste. For spicy lovers, add a little more vinegar and pepper.

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