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How to make an avocado ripen

How to make an avocado ripen
How to make an avocado ripen

Video: Fastest Way to Ripen Avocados - 5 Hacks Tested & Reviewed 2024, June

Video: Fastest Way to Ripen Avocados - 5 Hacks Tested & Reviewed 2024, June

Avocado is the most nutritious and high-calorie fruit. When an avocado is mature, it has an oily structure and taste resembling butter. But in stores, as a rule, immature avocados are sold and they are inferior in quality to the mature fruit.


Pick your recipe

You will need

Avocados, paper or plastic bags, bananas or tomatoes.

Instruction manual


The ripeness of the avocado is determined by the softness of the fetus. If the fruit squeezes a little when pressed, then it can be considered mature. And if it is hard, then it needs to be given time for ripening. Interestingly, an avocado does not ripen to the end when it hangs on a tree. The fruit may hang for months and not deteriorate, but after it is picked it will ripen in a few days.


The most useful avocado becomes after ripening. The calorie content of a mature avocado is 208 Kcal, of which proteins are 2 g, fats are 20 g, carbohydrates are 7.4 g. The flesh of a ripe fruit is like a cream or butter with a creamy nutty flavor. Avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins B and E. If you regularly use avocados, it will be easier to deal with stressful situations and your skin will become smoother.


Avocados are usually sold solid and unripe. Within a few weeks, the fetus matures and becomes soft to such an extent that when pressed with a finger, a dent remains. You can speed up the ripening process by putting avocados with bananas or tomatoes. The fact is that when ripening bananas and tomatoes emit natural gas ethylene, which contributes to the rapid ripening of all vegetables and fruits.


Take a paper or plastic bag, put a few pieces of bananas or a tomato and a few pieces of avocado. Tie the bag tightly and leave for a day in a room with a room temperature. After a day, press on the fetus and check its maturity. If it is still not soft enough, leave it to lie down for another day. After the avocado has lain for two days in a package, it must fully mature and acquire all the qualities and benefits of a mature fruit.


Ripe avocados can be spread on bread, added to soups and salads, and make savory sauces based on it. It can also be eaten raw, for this you need to cut the avocado along the circumference and turn the resulting halves in different directions. The peeled and cut avocado oxidizes and changes color, acquiring an unattractive appearance and taste. To prevent this from happening, you need to add lemon or lime juice to the pulp of an avocado.


The stone and leaves of the avocado are composed of toxic substances that are dangerous and can harm the human body. These substances cause an allergic reaction and digestive problems. If you rub an avocado seed, you get a pleasant flavor.


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