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How to make a lamb shoulder with couscous

How to make a lamb shoulder with couscous
How to make a lamb shoulder with couscous

Video: Moroccan-style Couscous with Lamb 2024, July

Video: Moroccan-style Couscous with Lamb 2024, July

In Mediterranean countries, couscous is considered to be an ideal complement to lamb with its delicate sweet, but noticeably earthy taste, couscous - a side dish of specially processed cereals, often wheat, capable of absorbing thousands of shades of taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Low temperature baked lamb shoulder
    • 1 lamb shoulder blade weighing about 2.5 kg;
    • 50 ml of olive oil;
    • 100 g butter;
    • 4 medium onions;
    • 10 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 sprigs of rosemary;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 400 ml of white wine.
    • Couscous with cucumbers
    • 500 g of couscous;
    • 25 ml of olive oil;
    • 150 g of cucumbers;
    • 150 g fresh pomegranate seeds
    • 1 bunch of green onions;
    • 30 g chopped parsley
    • mint and cilantro;
    • 100 g toasted pine nuts.
    • Green couscous
    • 500 g of couscous;
    • 1 liter of chicken stock;
    • juice of 2 lemons;
    • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar;
    • 25 ml of olive oil;
    • 30 g chopped parsley
    • cilantro and green onions;
    • salt and pepper.

Instruction manual


Low temperature baked lamb shoulder blade with couscous

Preheat the oven to 120 ° C. In a roasting pan (or pan with a heavy, tight lid suitable for baking products in the oven), melt the butter and mix it with olive. Sauté the lamb spatula until golden brown. Remove the meat from the roasting pan.


Peel and chop onion and garlic. Onions - in half rings, garlic - in half. Fry the vegetables in lamb fat until the onions are transparent and pour the wine. Bring to a boil. Put the lamb spatula back into the frypot, cover with a heavy tight lid and put it in the oven for 5-6 hours, until the meat begins to exfoliate from the bones. During baking, periodically check if there is liquid in the frypot, and if necessary, add a little warm boiled water. Low-temperature baking makes the meat especially tender, juicy, with a rich taste.


15 minutes before cooking, increase the heating in the oven to 180 ° C and remove the lid from the fryer. Serve the lamb on a hill of couscous.


Couscous with cucumbers

Couscous is called both the cereal itself and the dish from it. Boil 0.5 liters of water, put the cereal in a bowl and pour boiling water. Season with salt, add olive oil and stir with a fork. Cover the couscous with a plate and set aside for 5 minutes.


Remove the peel from the cucumbers, cut them into cubes, fill with cold water, salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 seconds, drain through a colander and pour over cold water. Stir the couscous again with a fork to make it airy and fluffy. Chop green onions. Sprinkle the cooked couscous with boiled cucumbers, herbs, pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, sprinkle with olive oil and place the lamb on top.


Green couscous

Put couscous in a bowl and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, gently mix with a fork and cover with cling film. Set the bowl aside and wait for the croup to absorb all the water. During this time, boil a soft syrup of sugar and lemon juice. Grind the herbs in a blender by pouring a little olive oil, add warm syrup to them and mix. Mix the resulting mixture with couscous, season it with salt and pepper, beat with a fork and serve with lamb.

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