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How to soften bread

How to soften bread
How to soften bread

Video: How to Make Stale Bread Soft 2024, July

Video: How to Make Stale Bread Soft 2024, July

Anything can happen. You come home from work, open a breadbasket, and you see in it a hardened loaf. Or half a loaf. Run to the store? And if you run far, and the family requires dinner? There is a way out - to soften the stale bread. A few simple procedures, and for dinner you have fresh, fragrant bread.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • bread;
    • water;
    • pan with a lid;
    • metal sieve;
    • microwave;
    • cover for the microwave.

Instruction manual


The first way. Slice the bread in slices. Arrange the pieces on a baking sheet, sprinkling each with water. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the baking tray with bread in the preheated oven for 2-3 minutes. Take out the softened pieces and immediately serve.


A variation of the first method is a “steam bath”. Use a pan and a regular metal sieve. Pour into a saucepan a quarter of the volume of ordinary water and put on fire. When the water boils, put a sieve over the pan, and put the sliced ​​bread in it. Cover this top with a lid. Water vapor will refresh the bread. After 5-7 minutes of steaming, fresh and fragrant bread can be served to the table.


Another way to “revive the bread” is to send it to the microwave for 20 seconds. However, before turning on the device, you need to cover the container with bread with a special plastic container-lid for microwave ovens.


After the “revitalization” procedure, the bread is stale almost immediately as it cools down, and in the future it does not lend itself to any resuscitation. Therefore, only the amount of bread that you and your family eat at a time is worth softening.

Useful advice

Stale bread is not a diagnosis, but a fantasy field. For example, it makes amazing croutons for breakfast. The recipe for these "grandmother's" croutons is extremely simple: you need to take a couple of eggs, a couple of tablespoons of milk, a pinch of salt, beat all this together and, dipping slices of bread in the egg mixture, fry them in a very hot pan until browned. At the exit - delicious soft croutons, quite suitable to become an independent breakfast dish.

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