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How to check if a ripe watermelon

How to check if a ripe watermelon
How to check if a ripe watermelon

Table of contents:

Video: How to Know if Watermelon is Ripe - Proven Methods (TURN ON SUBTITLES) 2024, July

Video: How to Know if Watermelon is Ripe - Proven Methods (TURN ON SUBTITLES) 2024, July

The ability to choose the right watermelon is an opportunity to get a giant berry with ripe pulp, which will allow you to enjoy its taste without danger to health. Learning to determine the ripeness of a watermelon is not difficult, and the benefit of such a skill is great.


Pick your recipe

To correctly determine how ripe the watermelon berry is on the store counter, you can familiarize yourself with some specific signs of maturity in advance. There are some tricks to determine the presence of nitrates.

What are the signs of a delicious watermelon

With a high probability, a giant berry will be sweet if there are such signs:

  • The shape is a slightly elongated ball.

  • The stripes on the crust have clear contours; there is a yellowish spot.

  • Dried tail.

  • Tapping the peel creates a dull sound.

It is worth noting that buying watermelons before August is not worth it. Until that time, they were sold only half-ripened, but if the pulp is red and looks sugary, most often the product was previously processed with something.

Bright pink or purple flesh, white bones are a sign of nitrates. Watermelon without impurities has a slightly reddish, granular middle, the seeds are dark.

How to assess the ripeness of a watermelon in appearance

To find out if a watermelon is ripe without cutting, you should pay attention to its peel. It should be solid, without damage and dents. To determine the density of the upper layer, you can try to pierce it with a fingernail - it should not give in. The surface of good watermelons without wax coating, in the sun it should shine.

Ripe fruits have a light yellow or light orange spot on the side that was lying on the ground. The white color of the mark means that the watermelon is not ripe. The crust should be with stripes of saturated green color. When tapped, the fetus should make a dull sound that is heard in the hand. You should not ask to cut watermelons in the market - knives are rarely washed there, if the day is hot, they form an environment favorable for the vital functions of bacteria.

A true indicator of the maturity of a watermelon lying on a bed is considered to be a fully dried nearest antennae.

When choosing a watermelon, it is better to choose the one that is considered a "girl". To determine, you need to pay attention to the lower part of the fetus - the bottom of the "girls" is flatter than the boys.

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