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How to check May honey for quality

How to check May honey for quality
How to check May honey for quality

Video: Honey Purity Test - DIY | September 2020 2024, July

Video: Honey Purity Test - DIY | September 2020 2024, July

Popularly, May honey is called the "first honey." After all, bees collect it from the first trees and plants blooming in May. This product is most popular among people, because it is rich in fructose, which allows May honey, compared with other varieties, to be absorbed faster by the body. Due to the increased interest of people in this product, some unscrupulous sellers give out other varieties of honey for it. Therefore, before buying it is very important to check May honey for quality.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - scales;

  • - newspaper;

  • - bread crumb;

  • - acetic acid;

  • - iodine.

Instruction manual


Fresh May honey is a light syrup with a greenish tint. And only after its maturation, which, as a rule, takes 3-5 months, May honey acquires a unique menthol aroma and a cooling taste.


Be sure to check May honey for density. Scoop the product with a tablespoon and, holding it horizontally, wrap honey on it with rotational movements. As a result, the spoon should be wrapped in it. Stop spinning the spoon. If the May honey is of high quality, it will lazily drain it with a continuous stream, not merging with honey in a jar, forming a hill on the surface.


Many components of May honey are slightly heavier than water, so you can check the quality of the product by comparing its weight and volume. Ideally, one liter of May honey should weigh at least 1.4 kg.


Put some honey on the newspaper. If you notice that a drop has spread over the surface and the paper around it has become wet, the product contains a large amount of water.


Dip the bread crumb into the honey. If it does not get wet or becomes even harder than it was, then you have quality May honey.


Take a close look at the surface of the honey. A weak movement of the pop-up bubbles indicates that the product has fermented. The alcoholic taste of honey and its sour smell also indicate fermentation of the product.


In order for the buyer not to notice signs of unnatural product, some unscrupulous sellers of honey add various substances to it.


Dip a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water. A high-quality product should completely dissolve in water, making the liquid slightly cloudy. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the glass indicates the presence of impurities in the honey.


The presence of chalk in May honey can be determined using acetic acid. The result of the interaction of the product containing chalk with vinegar is the intense release of carbon dioxide and a specific hiss.


Put a little iodine in honey. Staining the product with blue indicates that honey contains starch.

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