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How to make salted herring appetizer

How to make salted herring appetizer
How to make salted herring appetizer

Video: Super appetizer of salted herring! One portion will not be enough! 2024, July

Video: Super appetizer of salted herring! One portion will not be enough! 2024, July

Salted herring is always a sought-after product on a festive and everyday table. It can be offered simply peeled and chopped with appetizing slices on a plate, or it can be used as an ingredient in a dish, such as snacks.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 3 slightly salted herrings;

  • - 5 large-sized potato tubers;

  • - 3 carrots, small size;

  • - 3 beets;

  • - 2 bulbs, medium size;

  • - 3 pcs. chicken eggs;

  • - 3 sprigs of parsley;

  • - 200 grams of mayonnaise;

  • - 3 tablespoons of green peas (canned);

  • - salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Instruction manual


Gently peel the herring, remove the insides and rinse in running cold water. The fillet is then separated from the bones and cut into small cubes.


Carrots, beets and potatoes are thoroughly washed in water and boiled until tender. Then clean and rub on a coarse grater (can be cut into small cubes).


Boil eggs, peel and rub on a coarse grater. The onions are peeled, washed with running water, cut into small pieces and put in boiling water for two minutes.


In a deep dish, lay herring fillets in layers, then potatoes, onions, eggs, carrots and beets. Each of the layers is slightly salted and greased with mayonnaise.


The finished dish is put in the refrigerator for four hours so that it is well saturated, after which it is decorated with greens and sprinkled with green peas on top.

Useful advice

If the herring was too salty, it is recommended to put it for a couple of hours in cold water or in a weak infusion of tea.

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