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How to make apple souffle

How to make apple souffle
How to make apple souffle

Video: Apple Souffle 2024, July

Video: Apple Souffle 2024, July

Apple souffle is an unusually delicate fruit dessert that literally melts in your mouth. Most importantly, it is very simple to cook. This is exactly what I propose to do.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - medium apples - 5 pcs.;

  • - milk - 120 ml;

  • - egg whites - 2 pcs.;

  • - honey - 1 tablespoon;

  • - gelatin - 10 g;

  • - lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;

  • - vanillin - 1 sachet.

Instruction manual


After pouring the gelatin into a rather deep bowl, pour milk over it. Leave to swell for the amount of time indicated on the package.


Take care of apples in the meantime. Cut them into arbitrary pieces. If desired, before this procedure, you can peel the surface of the fruit. Place chopped apples in the microwave for about 4-5 minutes. This is necessary so that they become soft. If you don’t have a microwave, you can use the oven. The only difference is that it takes a little longer.


After mixing the egg whites with lemon juice, beat them until the mass with thick white foam turns out.


Put the swollen gelatin on the stove and heat it until it is completely dissolved. Enter the obtained homogeneous gelatinous mass, whipping with it, to a mixture of egg whites and lemon juice.


Place the baked apples in a blender bowl and chop to a mass with a uniform consistency, that is, to puree. Then mix them with vanilla and honey. Whisk properly.


Combine the apple mixture with the egg. Mix everything until smooth. Place the resulting mass in a pre-prepared tin. Put the future dessert in the refrigerator for about 5 or 6 hours, no less. Apple souffle is ready!

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