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How to cook seaweed for sushi

How to cook seaweed for sushi
How to cook seaweed for sushi

Video: How to Moisten the Nori When Making Sushi : Sushi Techniques & Recipes 2024, July

Video: How to Moisten the Nori When Making Sushi : Sushi Techniques & Recipes 2024, July

Seaweed is a kind of sea vegetables. They are used to make salads, soups, sushi. The delicate taste of the algae themselves can shade the taste of the ingredients in the composition of the dishes, giving them sophistication and originality. For cooking Japanese cuisine, more than thirty types of algae are used.


Pick your recipe

You will need

- nori seaweed - 1 pack.

Instruction manual


Algae are a product with a high content of carbohydrates, as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, vitamins A and C. They come to the shelves of stores, as a rule, in dried form.


For the preparation of sushi, the so-called nori seaweed is used. Appearance is a dried and thin sheets, similar to a film. Nori belong to the red algae family, hence the brown-green color. Length does not exceed 25 cm, width - 5 cm. Before entering the market, nori is washed with running fresh water. On wooden or bamboo frames laid out under the sun, these algae are dried.


From the competent preparation of nori algae, not only the shape and aesthetic appearance of the finished dish depends, but also taste. Take a sheet of nori seaweed and quickly heat it from two sides on a fire, keeping the leaf in a horizontal position and warming it evenly along its entire length. Fire should be the smallest. After 2-3 seconds, the seaweed will fry, become crispy and crumbly. You cannot grill these seaweed.


Take makis, this is a mat for forming sushi, put a sheet of seaweed on it with the shiny side down, while rice and sushi ingredients are superimposed on the dull side.


With the help of nori, they make roll sushi, rice balls (onigiri), rice cakes (mochi). Showing imagination, dried seaweed can be chopped, cut into thin strips and garnished with sushi and Japanese noodle soups.


In shops you can find minilists of algae measuring 8 by 3 cm. They are used for cooking daily breakfasts. They may already be fried and covered with soya sauce.

Useful advice

Algae should only be stored in a sealed container or bag in a dry place. If the algae bag is placed in a closed container, then the algae in this case will remain unlimited amount of time.


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